Christian Escobar Jimenez

Christian Escobar Jiménez is an associate Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. PhD in Logic and Philosophy of Science and doctoral candidate in Sociology. Studies in Sociology, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics in Ecuador, Spain, and France. Former student at EHESS in Paris. His work focuses on topics such as Analytical Philosophy, Sociology of Higher Education, and Economic and Political Institutionalism. Member of GSADI at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
The project
Title: Luxury consumption in art: decline and continuity of the Pleyel piano factory in a competitive market
"This research project seeks to analyze the global dynamics of the luxury market and consumption that have influenced the closure and subsequent reopening of the Pleyel piano factories during the 21st century. The study aims to establish a multi-level framework for understanding the integration of a specific French luxury industry: the Pleyel piano factory, into the global market. At a micro level, the analysis focuses on the production of high-end pianos by the Pleyel factory, conceptualized as luxury goods. The project explores the economic, cultural, and structural factors that have shaped the factory's trajectory, including its bankruptcies and reopenings over the past four decades, with a particular emphasis on developments throughout the 21st century. At a macro level, the study adopts a historical and systemic perspective, situating the evolution of Pleyel within the broader context of French craftsmanship and its role in various regimes of capital accumulation under global capitalism."
Hosting institution: Laboratoire Dynamiques Sociales et Recomposition des espaces – LADYSS - Paris 1, Paris 7, Paris 8, Paris 10 - INSHS et INEE
Selective Bibliography
- Christian Escobar-Jiménez (ed.) 2024. “Directo a reincidir: un estudio sobre las nuevas derechas en América Latina”. PUCE, Quito – Ecuador.
- “Silence and Freedom in Der Vorleser by Bernard Schlink: The Dilemmas of Enlightenment”. Revista Actio Nova N 1, (2017). Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. ISSN 2530-4437
- “De la Z al Abc-Def-Ghi: lenguaje, identidad y distintas ideas de lo americano en Zama de Antonio Di Benedetto y El entenado de Juan José Saer”. Confluenze. Revista di Studi Iberoamericani N°1, Vol. XXIII (2021). Università de Bolonia, Italia.
- “The Ecuadorian Concerto for Guitar by Salgado and its Indigenist Aesthetics”. Opus 30 (2024), ANPPOM Brazil.
- “An Analytical Approach to the Concept of Femicide”. Endoxa. Revista de filosofía 48, 2021. UNED, España.

Annamaria Bianco

Emiliano Buis

Sophie Delpeux