André Marenco

Invited Researcher at Maison Suger Stay in France: from October 7th , 2021 to March 23th, 2022

André Marenco is Professor at the Department of Political Science of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, member of the Research Group/CNPq Comparative Political Institutions []. His work focuses on comparative political institutions, political reform, bureaucracies and public policy. Current project: Professional bureaucracies and state capacity in Brazilian municipalities. How are Brazilian municipalities governed? State capacity, municipal governments and public policies; Atlas of municipal politics in Brazil; Electoral Reforms in Comparative Perspective: Party Competition and Institutional Engineering. Professor with doctorate in public policy and coordinator of the Center for Policy Research and Documentation (NUPERGS) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Research theme

Public administration reforms in comparative perspective, 1900-2020. Changes in government bureaucracies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Selected Publications

To consult his publications

Published at 26 January 2022