Writing the exile and the hypothesis of the Marrano (Kafka, Benjamin, Derrida and beyond)


The representation of exile does not erase its pain, but initiates a movement of introspection of the subject. Exile is in excess on its representation, it lacks a ground for its writing, a void we will analyze through four ellipses: 1/ The exile of exile with regard to the German Jewish writers who, according to Kafka, could neither write nor not write; 2/ The transcendental exile of the living and the dead for Benjamin which requires a totally different writing of history; 3/ The former exile that is the circumcision of language according to Derrida, to which answers the reaffirmation of the body and the name, of the sex and the signature; 4/ The Judeo-Christian Marrano as imaginary figure of secret exile, to which can only answer a memory of immemoriality.


Marc Goldschmit est philosophe, chercheur à l’Institut des Hautes Études en Psychanalyse. Il a publié: Jacques Derrida, une introduction (Agora-Pocket, 2003); L’écriture du messianique. La philosophie secrète de Walter Benjamin (Hermann, 2010) ; L’hypothèse du Marrane (Éditions du Félin, 2014). Deux livres à paraître: Littérature et Métaphysique et Sous la peau métaphysique du langage.

Le texte

Texte rédigé dans le cadre du séminaire Non lieux de l’exil, présenté lors de la séance du 12 décembre 2013.

Published at 25 June 2014