The Translatio of miracles of the Virgin in the Middle Age. Some remarks on the Cantigas de Santa Maria

Working paper de Debora Gonzalez Martinez

The miracles of the Virgin circulated throughout Christian territory in the Middle Ages. First, they had blossomed in latin and later they were translated into the vernacular languages. In french scope the Gautier de Coinci's Miracles de Nostre Dame has been noted by their literary and artistic superiority. Since the XIX century this french collection has been related to the monumental work of Alfonso X, the Cantigas de Santa Maria, in galician-portuguese.

The author

After graduating with a master's degree in Galician Literature and Roman Letters, she became interested in the ecotics and the study of medieval texts. His doctoral thesis, supported in 2009, consists of the critical edition of the work of a Portuguese trobador (O cancioneiro by Fernán Fernandez Cogominho, Santiago de Compostela, Verba 69, 2012). His work includes participation in various research projects in the USC and the publication of studies on certain satirical plays and on the tençosgalaïco-Portuguese. She began her studies on religious literature within the CESCM, Post-doctoral fellowship of the FMSH. She currently works at the University of Oxford's Center for Study of the Cantigas of Santa Maria and in collaboration with the USC.


Debora Gonzalez Martinez. Sur la translatio de miracles de la Vierge au Moyen Âge. Quelquesnotes sur les Cantigas de Santa Maria. FMSH-WP-2014-57. 2013.

Published at 28 January 2014