Les papas en danger ? Des pères à l'assaut des droits des femmes

Book by Édouard Leport in the "Interventions" collection of Éditions de la MSH
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Discover the book Les papas en danger ? Des pères à l'assaut des droits des femmes by Édouard Leport, published on January 20, 2022 in the "Interventions" collection of the Éditions de la MSH.

Since the mid-1970s, associations defending fathers' rights, such as SOS Papa or Les papas = Les mamans, have imposed the idea in the public debate that separated fathers would be kept away from their children by a justice system that favors women.

More information about the book (FR)

Les papas en danger, des livres et des auteurs, podcast FMSH


Des livres et des auteur.e.s #16
Published at 12 April 2023