La prison pour asile ?

To be published on April in the "Interventions" collection of the Éditions de la MSH
La prison pour asile
"La prison pour asile ? Enquête sur la santé mentale en milieu carcéral"

Prisons have been the subject of renewed scientific interest in France over the last twenty-five years.

Since 2011, sociologist Camille Lancelevée and psychiatrist Thomas Fovet have been investigating how contemporary French prisons respond to the issues raised by psychiatric disorders in the prison environment and shape the experience of the professionals who work there and the people who are confined there. Working alongside prison staff (guards, probation officers, prison governors and psychologists) and judicial staff (enforcement judges, court clerks, psychiatric experts), as well as nurses, social workers, medical secretaries, psychologists and psychiatrists, regulatory authorities (Ministry of Health and Justice) and, above all, the prisoners themselves, they have drawn up an unprecedented map of the state of mental health in prisons.


More information about the book (FR)




Published at 13 February 2024