Terrorists Reintegration in Open Custody

FMSH partner of a new ANR

The aim of this multidisciplinary action-research is to study the issues and dynamics of the social reintegration brakes and levers of ITC/ODSR in open custody. The study is focused on the problematic of the interlinkages between the individual and collective dimensions of their social reintegration by exploring two main hypotheses:

  • socio-judicial practices in open custody for ITC/ODSR reintegration require to identify specific issues linked to adjustments of interpretations and expectations between the main actors involved in their reintegration process and societal requests;
  • social reintegration of ITC/ODSR in open custody is linked to the dynamics of individual resistance and collective efficacy.

Funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR PRC CE39 Global Security and Cybersecurity), the project is coordinated by Nicolas Amadio (DynamE Laboratory, University of Strasbourg) and includes contributions from teams led by Massil Benbouriche (PSITEC, University of Lille), Bruno Domingo (FMSH, University of Toulouse) and Rachel Sarg (2L2S, University of Lorraine).

The FMSH, with Bruno Domingo, is in charge of a Work Package on “New decision-making logics in Terrorist Violence Risk Management and Policing Transformations”.



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Published at 5 December 2022