Closed project

Seminar: Violence and exiting violence

- Closed project -

Following the attacks of 2015, the Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme set up the Platform on Violence and Exiting Violence, which includes two Observatories, the first devoted to the phenomena of radicalisation, the second to the prevention and exit from violence. The international seminar on Violence and Exiting Violence, shared by both Observatories, offers a demanding intellectual experience and is a meeting place between the worlds of research and action.

Each year, the seminar gives the floor to some 15 internationally renowned researchers, deepening our understanding of the phenomena of violence and making the exit from violence a field of research in its own right. Each session begins with a presentation, which is followed by a discussion with the participants.

Directors : Jérôme Ferret avec Jean-Pierre Dozon, Yvon Le Bot et Michel Wieviorka
Coordinator : Estelle Lorans


→ Ongoing programme : 2020

Past sessions of the seminar :



Humanitarian actions in extreme violent situations

Seminar Violence and exiting violence - Thursday, January 11, 2018
Published at 30 November 2018