Exile and Post-exile

Working paper d'Alexis Nuselovici

Exilic experiences and identities nowadays escape current criteria. One can feel nostalgic for a country he/she has never lived in; one can feel a longing for a language he/she never spoke. The concept of postexile is proposed here to define such a phenomenon which shall be understood in three ways: the end of exile or the return from exile; exile and post-exile as a succession of two stages in the exilic experience; exile and post-exile dialectically linked as two means of expression or two forms of manifestations.


Professor in litterature in the University of Aix-Marseille. He occupied the post of Chair of Modern Cultural Studies at the University of Cardiff (United Kingdom) and has taught before at the University of Montréal. He was a guest professor in Brasil, in Turkey, in Spain and in France. He is a member of many teams of international researches and is responsible for the seminar "Exile as Experience" at the Collège d'études mondiales. Hu published many books like "Plaidoyer pour un monde métis" (2005) and Paul Celan. "Les lieux d'un déplacement" (2010).


Alexis Nuselovici (nouss). Exil et post-exil. FMSH-WP-2013-45. 2013.
Published at 16 September 2013