Alexis Nuselovici (Nouss)

Chairholder of the Exile and Migrations Chair [2015-2021]

Alexis NUSELOVICI (NOUSS) is Professor of General and Comparative Literature at the University of Aix-Marseille, having previously been a lecturer at Cardiff University and the University of Montreal. He has been a guest lecturer in Brazil, Turkey, Spain and France. He is a member of several international research teams. He created the POEXIL research group in Canada and the Cardiff Research Group on the Politics of Translating in the UK. He is the leader of the ‘Transpositions’ group based at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Literature Study (CIELAM) at Aix-Marseille University and holds the ‘Exile and Migration’ Chair at the College of World Studies (Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris).  His fields of research and study relate to translation studies, the experience of exile, European culture, the literature of personal accounts, issues for mixed-race individuals, and the aesthetics of modernity. Among his works are:  Plaidoyer pour un monde métis (In praise of a mixed-race world), 2005; Paul Celan. Les lieux d’un déplacement (Paul Celan’s ‘Displacement’), 2010; La condition de l’exilé (The exile’s condition), 2015.


  • Exile and migration in present-day European societies
  • The literature of exile
  • Philosophical and political aspects of translation.
Closed project

Exile and migration

- Closed project -


Round table

Politiques migratoires et politique de la migration

Round table

Livres en dialogue | "Jacques Derrida, la dissémination à l'œuvre"

30 septembre 2021 | Soirée de lancement de l'ouvrage
Study day

“Migration crisis”? What crisis?


The Exodus of mankind

Retrospective of the works of Cristian Pineda
See all researcher activities
Published at 21 August 2021