Disciplining Fighters: Non-State Armed Groups and the Prevention of Wartime Sexual Violence

Seminar Violence and exiting violence - Friday, April 13, 2018
5:30 pm
5:30 pm

We know much about the pathology of wartime sexual violence, not why and how armies and rebellions constrain rape, assault and sexual harassment. This seminar introduces an alternative approach: the theory of prevention using an assessment of gendered, social, institutional dimensions of different non-state armed groups.  The seminar is based on research in Burundi, and preliminary information from actors in Uganda and South Africa. We will consider how different practices influence the commission or noncommission of sexual violence, and the explanations for why some actors choose to permit or order aggression and abuse. Comparing non-state actors in multiple ways produces new means of seeing the path to prevention.


Angela Muvumba-Sellstrom










En savoir +

Preventing sexual violence: lessons from rebel armies in Burundi and Uganda
Discover Angela Muvumba-Sellström article in The Conversation

Published at 13 April 2018