AAR Campus

Audiovisual research archives

This ‘digital humanities’ project centres around the key issue of how to organise and make use of the wealth of social science and humanities resources that exist in the form of digital audiovisual archives.

AAR Campus is being conducted in the ‘digital humanities’ context and is an ANR referenced project: ANR-13-CORD-0016-01. It centres around the key current issue of how to organise and make use of the wealth of social science and humanities resources that exist in the form of digital audiovisual archives. By sticking firmly to a cognitive, semiotic approach to audiovisual archives (commonly known as a ‘linguistic turn’), the AAR Campus project prioritises analysis of the specific structural features inherent in all audiovisual media (thematic, narrative, discursive and pragmatic features, plus vision and sound aspects). The assumption  is that this approach will meet the varying needs of anyone who wants to work on an audiovisual piece (lecturers, researchers, students, postgraduates, professional experts, etc.) in order to transform it into a functional intellectual resource that is suitable for specific situations, such as teaching, research or disseminating scientific heritage.



The primary objective of the project is to develop a software infrastructure that can be rolled out and a set of terminology resources that will enable archive holders to upload, analyse, exhibit, re-publish and research audiovisual resources and make them interoperable, all in accordance with a ‘scholarly’ approach. They will be aimed at an audience of researchers, lecturers and students, who will also be strongly encouraged to contribute to the collaborative process of building up, analysing and re-publishing these audiovisual corpuses.



The AAR Campus consortium is made up of five partner organisations, which all have recognised expertise and know-how in the field of digital archives (in particular digital audiovisual archives).



Coordination office

1)   Scientific coordinator: Peter STOCKINGER, University professor (INALCO et FMSH – ESCoM-AAR)

2)   FMSH – ESCoM-AAR:
Valérie LEGRAND, Anthropologue researcher
Francis LEMAITRE, Engineer
Gabrielle LAUMONIER, Administrative follow-up of the project

3)   INA:
Patrick COUROUNET, Project manager
Steffen LALANDE, Engineer
Abdelkrim BELOUED, Engineer

Hervé LIEVRE, Engineer
Damien POIVET, Engineer
Peggy DOMEYNE, Engineer

5)   CNRS – CCSd:
Christine BERTHAUD, Engineer
Laurent CAPELLI, Engineer

6)   Armadillo:
Laurent BEL, Engineer
Rania SOUSSI, Engineer

Published at 13 December 2016