Violence and exiting violence in Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa

Videos of the international conference of Rabat

 Videos of the international conference Violence and exiting violence, which took place in Rabat in April 2019.

Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa concentrates episodes of extreme violence and sources of potential conflicts and geopolitical upheavals. The aim of the conference was to study these violences, from local standpoints to global forms, as well as the means to escape from it.

(Videos in French)


Religions and the challenge of non-violence


Geopolitics and economics of violence


Justice, reconciliation and amnesty


Women, violence and non-violence

Conference organised by the Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme and the Chair "Cultures, Societies and Religious Facts" of the International University of Rabat.
In partnership with the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Commissariat Général à l’Égalité des territoires, UNIMED, Rabita Mohammadia des Oulémas, Interfaith & Peacebuilding Research and training Center, le Conseil de la communauté marocaine à l'étranger, l'Ambassade de France au Maroc, l'INDH, l'IRD and Centre Jacques Berque.
Published at 1 July 2019