Closed program

Supporting scientific events

A financial support for events on innovative themes in humanities and social sciences
Call closed
Closed since
Soutien aux manifestations scientifiques

The Foundation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH) supports the organisation of events on innovative themes in humanities and social sciences (SHS) in France by covering the travel expenses of foreign speakers.

Through this program, the FMSH wishes to encourage the participation of foreign researchers in scientific events organised in France, and to facilitate the organisation of international conferences, roundtables and workshops on innovative themes.

This programme does not fund seminars, annual conferences, or summer schools

The projects will be assessed by a selection panel, which will give priority to events which:

  • promote interdisciplinary scientific work;
  • are held in France but are of international scope;
  • encourage participation by young researchers.
  • The support provided by the Foundation is for travel and/or accommodation expenses for foreign researchers speaking at the scientific event who do not live in France. Please note that the     maximum daily rate FMSH can grant for accommodation costs is 150 euros.
  • The event budget must specify what financial support has been applied for and obtained in addition to that of FMSH.
  • The Foundation’s support cannot cover more than 30% of the total budget for the event.


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Study day

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Journées d'étude | 18 et 19 novembre 2022
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