Social History Mattei Dogan Prize

Prize of the Foundation Mattei Dogan and of the FMSH for a thesis of excellency
Ongoing call
Deadline for application
Prix Mattei Dogan

The Foundation manages and awards various prizes financed by legacies established by deceased scientists or by associations that turn to it, confident in the relevance of its selection and in the rigor of its management.

The prize of social History is awarded to two PhD thesis on social History, in every sense of the term, from the 19th to the 20th century, and dealing with :

  • France
  • one or various foreign countries or a transnational subject.

The prize is awarded to a PhD thesis (co-supervised or not) defended in a French educational institution during the two years preceding the award.

To apply in 2025, the thesis should have been defended between January 1st, 2023 and December 31st, 2024.

The prize is worth 3000€.

The jury of the prize is composed of:

  • Jean-François Chanet, Sciences Po
  • Irène Favier, University of Grenoble
  • Patrick Fridenson, EHESS /CRH
  • Anne Rasmussen, EHESS/CAK
  • Charlotte Vorms, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne


Mattei Dogan

Mattei Dogan (1920 –2010) was a political sociologist and senior research officer emeritus of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and professor emeritus of political science of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Over a period of 22 years, he also taught at UCLA, Yale University, Indiana University, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Statistical Mathematics in Tokyo, and the University of Florence. He also received the CNRS Silver medal.

His main research domains include elite studies, interdisciplinary approaches and international comparative analysis. His publications have dealt with the relationship between political behavior and religious behavior, political legitimacy and the ruling class. He also worked on the Italian society and political regime.

In 2001, Mattei Dogan founded the Foundation Mattei Dogan, exclusively dedicated to the social sciences, in order to promote the major issues of advanced – or post-industrial -  societies in a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective.

Ongoing call

1 result

Social History Mattei Dogan Prize

Thesis prize
Application deadline: January 31, 2025
Prix Mattei Dogan
Ongoing call


visuel Daniela Duran_lauréate 2023 Mattei Dogan

Interview with Daniela Durán Cid

2023 winner of the Mattei Dogan Foundation Social History Prize
Mattei Dogan visuel lauréat 2023

Interview with Jean-Christophe Balois-Proyart

Workers and manufacturers in the age of commodity capitalism. From the disincorporation of trades to the incorporation of work (France, 1789-1848)
Prix Mattei Dogan

Mattei Dogan Award Ceremony

Award for outstanding doctoral theses on a social history
Prix Mattei Dogan

Laureates of the 2023 Social History Mattei Dogan Prize

Prize of the Foundation Mattei Dogan and of the FMSH for a thesis of excellency
See all program activities