Rescheduled | Capitalism against nature: imagining the transition toward a post-growth ‎society

Conference | Tuesday, January 21st
9:00 am
9:00 am

Event rescheduled to another date. The new date will be communicated asap.

The acceleration of environmental degradation, the worsening of climate issues and the deepening of environmental injustice urge us to profoundly rethink the nexus between ecology, politics and economy. At the same time, current solutions mostly emerge within the frame of a post-Fordist economy that intensifies - rather than diminishes - capitalist exploitation of nature, bodies and life. It becomes evident thereby that the very hierarchical relationships of class, gender, race and coloniality on which these forms of exploitation are based are central for capitalist accumulation. Analyzing these processes requires, on the one hand, to rethink capitalism not so much - or not only - as a system of production but also as a social formation that organises the relations between human beings and the rest of nature. On the other hand, we also ought to pay attention to, and engage with, the multiple present ways of claiming, struggling and building that challenge the mentioned hierarchies of domination and exploitation upheld by the forces of capital.
This conference concludes the research seminar Mutations of capital? Nature and Value in the ecological crisis. It brings together Italian and French researchers working on these issues to share different perspectives and foster a mutual collaboration. The aim is to rethinking the complex relationship between society and the environment and to identifying the appropriate tools to imagine the transition to alternative socio-ecological relationships.


Conference organised by Maura Benegiamo, Ecology, Work, Employement Chair.


Room BS1-28 | FMSH, 54 boulevard Raspail, Paris 6

9:00 Registration

9:30 Introduction
| Maura BENEGIAMO (Collège d’études mondiales, FMSH)

09:40 Production-reproduction, thinking the nexus

| Luigi PELLIZZONI (University of Pise)
Ontological politics and nature: Political Ecology in the XXI century

| Hélène TORDJMAN (University Paris XIII)
Dematerializing nature: a new class of fictitious commodities

| Amy Dahan (CNRS-CAK)



11:25 Marxism and nature, thinking the critic

| Bernard ASPE (CIPh)
Consuming the Earth

| Maura Benegiamo (Collège d'études mondiales, FMSH)

| Emanuele LEONARDI (CES-University of Coimbra)
Autonomist Marxism, Degrowth and Ecological Class Struggle

| Marlene BENQUET (CNRS, IRISSO-University Paris Dauphine)
Marxism and Ecology

Discutant: Michael LÖWY (CNRS, CéSor-EHESS)


15:00 Environment and conflicts: thinking the politics

| Viviana ASARA (WU Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Prefiguring alternatives under regimes of austerity: the eco-politics of the Indignados’ movement

'Folks, this affects everyone...!' From the Impulse to Resist to Global Political Strategy


When environmental warnings get integrated into green imperialism: conservationism and the correct use of the Earth by 1880-1914

Discutant: Sara AGUINTON (CNRS, CAK)


17:00 Thinking a post-growth society

| Remy PETITIMBERT (CERAPS-University of Lille)
The reversal of ecological compensation by the market of biodiversity offsets: a fictitious commodification of biodiversity

| Dominique MEDA (IRISSO-University Paris Dauphine, Collège d'études mondiales, FMSH)
What conventions for wealth in a post-growth society?

| Florence JANY-CATRICE (CLERSE-Université de Lille, Collège d'études mondiales, FMSH)
Measuring quality in national accounts

Discutant: Fabrice FLIPO (LCSP- University Paris Diderot-Paris 7)

18:30 Conclusion


Published at 21 January 2020