Histoire de la pop. Quand la culture jeune dépasse les frontières (années 1950-1960)

June 27th | Livres en dialogue - Presentation of the book
6:30 pm
8:30 pm
Bannière Histoire de la pop
A book in dialogue with the cultural, social and political history of popular music.

The Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme is organizing an evening to present the book Histoire de la pop. Quand la culture jeune dépasse les frontières (années 1950-1960), published on January 25th, 2024 in the “Bibliothèque allemande” collection by Éditions de la MSH.

This session of Livres en dialogue will bring together the book's author, Bodo Mrozek, and RFI journalist Marjorie Bertin.

At the end of the session, you'll have the chance to ask our guests any questions you may have.


Presentation in french

Bodo Mrozek traces the aesthetic evolution from 1956 to 1966 and its lasting influence on modern youth and popular culture. He looks at the actors, practices and, above all, the reception of this new pop culture and the discourses it generated.

Marjorie Bertin holds a doctorate in Theatre Studies from Sorbonne-Nouvelle University, and is a RFI and RFI Musique journalist. She writes for the press and is also a teacher and researcher at Sorbonne-Nouvelle.

The book

In the 1950s and 1960s, youth culture underwent a veritable upheaval that shook and scandalized society. New codes and practices in music and fashion, as well as new behaviors, emerged, sparking heated debates about so-called juvenile delinquency. The emerging pop culture was interpreted as a degradation of morals and mores, and “deviant” youth had to be disciplined through censorship, bans and sanctions. At the same time, racist, gendered and socially prejudiced modes of devaluation permeated opposition to this cultural change.

Couverture de l'Histoire de la pop
Published at 23 May 2024