The Conceptual Museologic Object

Research seminar of the CEM with Marta Jecu
11:00 am
11:00 am

The research seminar of the Collège d'études mondiales receives Marta Jecu (post-doctoral fellow, Collège/Gerda Henkel Stiftung) on "The Conceptual Museologic Object".

Françoise Vergès the Chairholder of the "Global South(s)" chair at the Collège is the respondent.

Contemporary art is being more and more involved in the elaboration of new museologic display solutions. More than in any other branch of contemporary art, conceptualism works with the 'object' as information – beyond its formal presence. I would like to propose a methodological discussion on the contribution that specifically conceptual art can bring into the field of de-colonising strategies. I will refer museums of material culture, which were mostly connected to colonial history writing.



Published at 30 January 2018