Pietro Castelli Gattinara

Laureate of the Atlas Programme  Stay in France: from October 15 to November 15, 2018  

Pietro Castelli Gattinara is Assistant Professor at the Centre for Research on Extremism (C-Rex), University of Oslo. He holds an M.S. in Migration and Ethnic Relations from Utrecht University and a Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute. From 2015 to 2017, he has been a Research Fellow at the Centre on Social Movement Studies (COSMOS), at Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence, where he worked on collective action during political crises. His research interests include comparative politics and the study of migration in Europe, with a particular focus on the far right, local politics and party competition. His work appeared in different international peer-reviewed journals in English, French and Italian, as well as a number of edited volumes.

The project 

Title: The politicization of the «refugee crisis»: the Italian and French far right into mainstream politics

Keywords: Migration, Comparative European politics, Right-wing extremism, radicalism, populism, Parties and party system, Social movements

Selected publications


  • Castelli Gattinara, P. (2016). The Politics of Migration in Italy: perspectives on local and party competition. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
  • Albanese, M., Bulli, G. Castelli Gattinara, P. and Froio, C. (2015). Fascisti di un altro millennio? Crisi e partecipazione in CasaPound Italia [Third Millennium Fascists? CasaPound Italia, the Crisis and Political Participation].  Roma/Acireale: Bonanno Editore.

Edited special issues of journals

Articles in peer reviewed journals

  • Pirro, A.L.P. and Castelli Gattinara, P. (forthcoming). “Between Movement and Party: Enquiry Into the Organisation and Strategies of the Far Right”, Mobilization, accepted for publication.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P., O’Connor, F.P., and Lindekilde, L. (forthcoming) “No country for acting alone?  The neo-Fascist Movement and Lone-Actor Terrorist Attacks in Italy”, Perspectives on Terrorism, accepted for publication.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. and Froio, C. (2018). “Italy: Political development and data for 2017”, European Journal of Political Research, Early View, DOI: 10.1111/2047-8852.12206.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. (2018). “Dimensional Issue Competition on Migration: A Comparative Analysis of Public Debates in Western Europe”, Acta Politica, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41269-018-0088-y.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. and Froio, C. (2018). “Getting ‘right’ into the news:  mobilization and media coverage of non-established extreme right actors in Italy and France”, Comparative European Politics, Online First. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41295-018-0123-4.
  • Felicetti, A. and Castelli Gattinara, P. (2018). “Towards an Assessment of Marginalization in Democratic Systems: the Charlie Hebdo Debate in the UK”, British Journal of Politics & International Relations, Online First, doi: 10.1177/1369148118758237.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. and Froio, C. (2018). “Quand Les Identitaires font la une : Stratégies de mobilisation et visibilité médiatique du Bloc Identitaire [The Identitarians In the Media : Mobilization Strategies and Media Visibility of Bloc Identitaire]”, Revue Française de Science Politique, n°68(1).
  • Poppi, F.M. and Castelli Gattinara, P. (2018). “Aliud pro alio: context and narratives within a neo-Nazi community of practice”, Journal of Language and Politics, Online First. DOI 10.1075/jlp.17014.pop.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. (2017). “Mobilizing Against ‘the Invasion’: Far-right Protest and the ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Italy”, Mondi Migranti, 03(2017), pp. 75-95. DOI: 10.3280/MM2017-003004
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. (2017). “Framing exclusion in the public sphere: Far-right mobilization and the debate on Charlie Hebdo in Italy”, South European Society and Politics, 22(3), pp.345-364.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. (2017). “The Refugee Crisis as a Crisis of Legitimacy”, Contemporary Italian Politics, 9(3), pp. 318-331.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. and Froio, C. (2017). “Italy 2016: European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook”, European Journal of Political Research, 56(1), pp.151-158.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. and Froio, C. (2017). “Far Right Communication in the Third Millennium: The Mediatised Politics of CasaPound Italia”, Comunicazione Politica, 1(17), pp. 55-76.
  • Froio, C. and Castelli Gattinara, P. (2016). “Direct social actions and far right mobilization: the relationship between ideas and action in the extreme right”, Participation and Conflict, 9(3), pp.1040-1066.
  • Froio, C. and Castelli Gattinara, P. (2015). “Neo-fascist mobilization in contemporary Italy Ideology and repertoire of action of CasaPound Italia”, Journal for deradicalization, 2(1), pp. 86-118.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. and Froio, C. (2014). “Identity Building and Action Repertoires in CasaPound: Discourses, Symbols and Practices of Violence”, Int. Journal of Conflict and Violence, 8(1), pp. 154-170.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P., Froio, C. and Albanese, M. (2013). “The appeal of Neo-Fascism in times of crisis: the experience of CasaPound Italia”, Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies, 2(2), pp. 234–258.

Chapters in edited volumes

  • Castelli Gattinara, P. (forthcoming). “Neo-Fascist movement parties in Italy: The extreme right between electoral and protest politics” in M. Caiani and O. Cisar (eds.) Far Right ‘Movement-Parties’ in Europe, London: Routledge.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. (forthcoming). “Beyond the Hand of the State: Vigilantism Against Migrants and Refugees in France” in Bjørgo, T. and Mares, M. (Eds.) Vigilantism against Migrants and Minorities, London: Routledge.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. (forthcoming). “Forza Nuova and the Security Walks: Squadrismo and Neo-Fascist Vigilantism in Italy” in Bjørgo, T. and Mares, M. (Eds.) Vigilantism against Migrants and Minorities, London: Routledge.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. (2018). “Europeans, shut the borders! Anti-refugee mobilization in Italy and France” in D. della Porta (ed.) Contentious moves:  Solidarity mobilizations in the ‘Long Summer of Migration’, Palgrave Macmillan, 271-297.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. (2018). “Neofascismi in movimento: Mobilitazione, strategia e protesta nell’estrema destra italiana” in C. Fumagalli and S. Puttini (eds.) Destra/destre, Milano: Fondazione Feltrinelli, ISBN: 978-88-6835-290-5.
  • Castelli Gattinara, P. and Morales, L. (2017). “The politicization and securitization of migration in Europe: Public opinion, political parties and the immigration issue”, in P. Bourbeau (ed.), Handbook on Migration and Security, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 273-295.
  • Bulli, G. and Castelli Gattinara, P. (2013). “Tra vecchie e nuove identità. L’estrema destra in movimento [Between New and Old Identities: Mobilization and the Extreme Right]”, in L. Altieri e L. Raffini (eds), La Nuova Politica. Movimenti, Mobilitazioni e Conflitti in Italia, Napoli: EdiSes, pp 127-152.
Published at 18 September 2018