Nancy Fraser

Chairholder of the Rethinking Social Justice Chair [2012-2016]

After a master's degree and PhD in philosophy at the University of New York City, Nancy Fraser first worked as an assistant at the University of Georgia. She later worked as an assistant at Stanford University and Northwestern University before teaching in the latter from 1993 to 1995. In 1995 she became professor of philosophy and political science at the New School of New York. Since 1994, she has been a regular visiting professor at several European universities in France, the Netherlands and Germany.

Nancy Fraser is the Henry and Louise A. Loeb Professor of Philosophy and Politics at the New School for Social Research in New York.

Recent Publications 

►Revaluing French Feminism : Critical Essays on Difference, Agency, and Culture (coédité avec Sandra Bartky, 1992)

►Feminist Contentions : A Philosophical Exchange (avec Seyla Benhabib, Judith Butler, and Drucilla Cornell, 1994)

►Justice Interruptus : Critical Reflections on the « Postsocialist » Condition (1997)

►The Radical Imagination : Between Redistribution and Recognition (2003)

►Redistribution or Recognition ? A Political-Philosophical Exchange (coécrit avec Axel Honneth, 2003)

►Scales of Justice: Reimagining Political Space in a Globalizing World (2009)

►Qu'est-ce que la justice sociale ? : Reconnaissance et redistribution, trad. d'Estelle Ferrarese, La Découverte, 2005, réed. 2011

►Le féminisme en mouvements, trad. d'Estelle Ferrarese, La Découverte, 2012

►Domination et émancipation. Pour un renouveau de la critique sociale, dialogue avec Luc Boltanski, présenté par Philippe Corcuff, Lyon, Presses Universitaires de Lyon, collection "Grands débats : Mode d'emploi", 2014

Rethinking social justice

Rethinking social justice in a globalizing world


Round table

Gender Today: Labor, Care and Racialization

Round table - Monday, June 4th
Round table

Gender Today: Labor, Care and Racialization

Round table - Monday, June 4th

Feminism, Capitalism, and the Cunning of History: An Introduction

Working paper de Nancy Fraser

Feminism, Capitalism, and the Cunning of History: An Introduction

Working paper de Nancy Fraser
See all researcher activities
Published at 23 September 2016