Danièle Joly

Associate researcher of the Rethinking Social Justice Chair

Danièle Joly is professor emeritus at the Sociology Department at the University of Warwick, a research associate at the Collège d’études mondiales (MSH-Paris), research associate at the Centre migrations et citoyenneté (Centre for migration and citizenship) (IFRI, Paris) and researcher at the CADIS-EHESS (Paris).

Between 2012 and 2014, she was a European Commission Marie Curie Fellow at the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (School for advanced studies in the social sciences) (CADIS-EHESS).

Between 2011 and 2012, she was a researcher at the Institut d’études avancées in Paris. She has been Director of the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations at the University of Warwick since1998.

She obtained a Bachelor's-level arts degree from the Université de Nanterre and holds a Master's degree in Industrial Relations from the Université de la Sorbonne, a PhD from the University of Aston and a D.Litt from the University of Warwick. Her publications include L'Emeute (Riot) (2007), Muslims in Prison (2005), Blacks and Britannity (2001), Haven or Hell: Asylum Policy and Refugees in Europe (1996), Britannia's Crescent: Making a Place for Muslims in British Society (1995), Refugees: Asylum in Europe (1992), The French Communist Party and the Algerian War (1991) and with Khursheed Wadia, Muslim women and power: civic and political engagement in west European societies (forthcoming 2015, Palgrave Macmillan). She has directed a number of international research programmes. Her areas of research focus on muslims in Europe, refugees and political asylum in Europe and issues of integration. She also conducts research on women from muslim cultures in Europe and on women in Iraqi Kurdistan.

A full list of her publications is available on her page at CADIS/EHESS

Rethinking social justice

Rethinking social justice in a globalizing world



International Panel on Exiting Violence Final Report Presentation


International Panel on Exiting Violence Final Report Presentation


Women, violence and exiting from violence with a gendered approach

MENA region and diaspora

International Panel on Exiting Violence Final report presentation

Conference | Monday, November 18th
See all researcher activities
Published at 23 September 2016