
Guest artist in the Global South(s) Chair

Antariksa is a historian and co-founder member of KUNCI - Cultural Studies Center, Yogyakarta, Indonesia - a research group whose interests converge around knowledge production, action research and vernacular education..

He studied philosophy at Gadjah Mada University (Yogyakarta) and history (Lembaga Studi Realino, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta).

His main research concerns art and the mobility of ideas in Southeast Asia under the Japanese occupation. He is now working on his new publication 日本占領期のインドネシアにおけるアート集団主義 [Artistic collectivism in Indonesia, during the Japanese occupation] (Kyushu University Press, 2017). Antariksa is currently Associate Researcher at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) - Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapour.

Research Project 

Antariksa is a recipient of the 2017 Global South (s) Research Award. A call for candidates was launched as part of the collaboration between the Collège d'études mondiales and Villa Vassilieff for a 6-week research visit to researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences residing outside France, which is also open to artists.

Antariska is working with the Global South(s) Chair led by Françoise Vergès and the Villa Vassilieff team on a research project within the framework of the general scientific policy of the Collège d'études mondiales and of the Global South(s) Chair:

My research in Paris is a continuation of the ongoing work on artistic collectivism in Indonesia during the Japanese occupation, focusing on the collection of archives and oral histories, notably through interviews in Indonesia, Japan, The Netherlands and Singapore. My research attempts to collect and analyze archives (archives of art schools, exhibition catalogs, photographs ...) in order to better understand the experience of Japanese artists in Paris during the war (Fujita Tsuguharu, Miyamoto Saburō, Mukai Junkichi, Inokuma Gen'ichirō, and Ihara Usaburō to name a few) and their interactions with artists' communities and collectives in Paris. I try to identify the transmission of a "western" aesthetic from Paris to Indonesia, through Japan and how it was transmitted: how it came about, how it influenced the idea of ​​aesthetics and our visual memory of the period of the war in Japan and Indonesia.

Selected Publications

Tuan Tanah Muda : Hubungan LEKRA-Seni Rupa 1950-1965 [Tuan Tanah Kawin Muda : La rela­tion entre l'art et l’Institut de la Culture Populaire 1950-1965] (CAF/IVAA, 2005). 


Closed project

Global South(s)

Chair (2014-2018)
Published at 28 February 2017