Closed project

Global South(s)

Chair (2014-2018)

This research chair considers the study of the Global South(s) as spaces and temporalities created by globalisation. Drawing on the works of global history, so as to 'denationalise' stories and periodisations, the research chair seeks to revise a mapping that was developed according to the West and in relation to the West. The project aims to analyse new forms of colonisation, racialisation and predation, inward-looking cultural attitudes, the processes of hybridisation, as well as new configurations of universalism and counter-hegemonic strategies.


  • Conferences "New Directions in the Study of Slavery and Capitalism " organised with M. Rediker (University of Pittsburgh), October, FMSH.
  • Workshop " Figurer, exposer, représenter le corps du refoulé postcolonial. Le cas français " (Depicting, exposing, representing the post-colonial repressed. The French case), November, FMSH.
  • 1st meeting of "Dark Studies : justice environnementale " (Dark Studies: environmental justice), jointly organised with Bétonsalon, November.
  • Workshop "The Re-Turns of Religion", organised with David Theo Goldberg (University of California, Humanities Research Institute) December, FMSH.
  • Joint seminar with V.-K. Nguyen, "Postcolonialités, technologies, soins" (Post-colonialities, technologies, care), Scientific Council Meeting, December, FMSH.


French Ministry of overseas territories | Ministry of national education, higher education and research | Ministry of culture and communication | University of Pittsburgh | University of California-Irvine | Bétonsalon




La volonté des archives

Conference - Monday November 19th

L'eau, la guerre, la paix

Restitution de l'Atelier V

Global 68 videos

Round table

Gender Today: Labor, Care and Racialization

Round table - Monday, June 4th
See all project activities
Published at 1 May 2017