Novel, theatre play and movie: common features and particularities

Working paper d'Olga Stepanova

A novel, a theatre play and a movie are considered as three narrative forms having common features and particularities. The cinema borrows from literature its essential narrative elements (intrigue, character, time, space) and borrows from the theatre the principle of performance, which consists in showing things instead of telling them. This principle implies the presence of the audience as well as techniques complementary to the text : actors, costumes, scenery, sound, lighting, moving picture in the cinema that makes unnecessary narrative comments or supplement them with visual effects. Having overcome some theatrical constraints (limited scenic space, symbolic scenery, frontal and static acting) the cinema, like any art of performance, cannot escape the time constraint.

The author

Olga Stepanova is a lecturer at the French chair at Smolensk State University. She defended her thesis on French slang at the Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2002. Diderot Scholar in 2010, Fernand Braudel-IFER in 2011, she works on the use of slang in the Theater and contemporary French cinema.


Olga Stepanova. Le roman, la pièce de théâtre et le film : traits communs et particularités.FMSH-WP-2014-67. 2014.

Published at 22 May 2014