Yorkinoy Nasirdinova

Laureate of the 2023 Atlas programme | In residence at the Maison Suger
Yorkinoy Nasirdinova

Yorkinoy Nasirdinova obtained her bachelor's and master's degrees at Andijan State University in Uzbekistan, specializing in philology. She specializes in teaching French (foreign language) and Uzbek (mother tongue). She obtained her doctorate from Tashkent University of Oriental Studies. Her dissertation topic was "Uzbek folklore and classical literature in the French translations of Rémi Dore". Her professional activities are linked to teaching French language and culture at university. She is passionate about researching the works of contemporary French orientalists studying the history, religion (mysticism) and culture of Central Asia, particularly Uzbekistan. She has field research skills that can contribute to the scientific field.

The project

Titre: Civilization of Uzbekistan in the publications of French Orientalists of the XX and XXI centuries (History, Literature, Culture)

Central Asia has always attracted the attention of Europeans, especially French orientalists. For years, it was the platform for research by historians, politicians, literary critics and other disciplines. However, Central Asia, which had been a colony of the Russian Empire for a century and a half, was excluded from external international relations. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the former Soviet republics of Central Asia - Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan - declared their political independence and became equal members of the global community. Closed countries were opening up. Independence was undoubtedly a political event of world-historical importance. And so, in 1993, the first French scientific institution was created in Tashkent - the Institut français d'études d'Asie centrale, IFÉAC, and Pierre Chuvin was its first director. In addition to IFEAC, there are several research centers for the study of Central Asia in France, such as the Сhaîre de Collège de France: Etudes de l'Histoire et cultures de l'Asie centrale préislamique, CETOBaC-ЕHESS, CeRMI, SEECHAC and etc.... The sphere of interest of French Orientalists chronologically covers the entire history of the region from antiquity to modern times, and thematically all fields: history, archaeology, ethnography, geography, religion, literature, politics, etc., characterized by meticulous research, the objectivity of the scientific approach and the lack of politicization of historical research. Every year in these new states, they have witnessed the rehabilitation of several great historical cities (Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva, Turkestan, Osh), great historical figures (Ulugh Beg, Tamerlan, Avicenna), literary ("Ali Shīr Navā'ī, Chulpān, "Abd al-Ra'ūf Fitrat, "Abd Allāh Qādirī, Shulpan) and religious (Ahmad Yasavi, Bahā' al-dīn Naqshband), all condemned, until a few years ago, by the old power. Over a period of some thirty years, they discovered many new facts in all the disciplines of the social sciences.

Hosting institution: Centre de Recherche sur le Monde Iranien (CeRMI), UMR8041 CNRS-Sorbonne nouvelle-INaLCO-EPHE

Selective Bibliography

  • Remi Dor – folklorshunos olim va tarjimon/ Rémy Dor comme folkloriste et traducteur. – Tachkent, 2015. – 120p.
  • O`zbek mumtoz adabiyoti Remi Dor ijodida. / Littérature classique ouzbek dans les œuvres de Remy Dor. – Monographie. – Andijan, 2020. – 60p.
  • XX asr охiri vа XXI asrdа o`zbek-fransuz аdabiy аloqalari taraqqiyoti./ Histoire des relations littéraires ouzbek-français à la fin des XXe et XXIe siècles. - Forum des traducteurs d`Ouzbékistan – 2020 (collection d'articles scientifiques). – T.: Université d'État des études orientales de Tachkent, 2020. – P.37-42.
  • O`zbek milliy uyg`onish davri adabiyotining o`zbek-frantsuz adabiy aloqalari «Renessans »ida tutgan o`rni. / Le rôle de la littérature djadide ouzbek dans la «Renaissance» des relations littéraires ouzbek-français.
  • XXI аsr fransuz sharqshunosligida o`zbek xalqi аdabiy va madaniy merosining o`rganilishi/ Patrimoine culturel et littéraire de l'Ouzbékistan dans les études des orientalistes français de XXIe siècle . Conférence «Les patrimoines culturelles situés d'outre-mer de l'Ouzbékistan font partie de notre culture». – Tachkent, 22 octobre 2019.
  • Fransiyaning Markaziy Osiyoni tadqiq etish milliy institutlari: CERMI. / Instituts nationaux français d'études d'Asie centrale: CERMI.  - FarDU. ILMIY XABARLAR – НАУЧНЫЙ ВЕСТНИК.ФЕРГУ. Maxsus son. – Farg‘ona 2022. – B.991-994
  • Fransiyaning Markaziy Osiyoni tadqiq etish instituti 30 yoshda: adabiy va madaniy meros tadqiqi/ L'Institut français d'études d'Asie centrale a 30 ans : une étude du patrimoine littéraire et culturel. -  FarDU. ILMIY XABARLAR – НАУЧНЫЙ ВЕСТНИК.ФЕРГУ. Maxsus son. – Farg‘ona 2022. – B.997-999.
Published at 13 October 2023