Sidar Gündüzalp
Sidar Gündüzalp received his bachelor's degree in Protohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology from Ege University. He worked on the Neolithic cultures of Western Anatolia and completed his master's degree at Çanakkale 18 Mart University. He completed his PhD thesis on the emergence of pottery technology in Southwest Asia at Istanbul University. He is currently working on Central and Western Anatolia's Neolithic and Chalcolithic cultures.
The project
Title: Developments in The Neolithic Pottery of the Upper Tigris - Sumaki Höyük Evidence Through Chemical and Mineralogical Analyses
Keywords: Southwest Asia, Neolithic, Technology, Pottery, Petrography
Selection of publications
Gündüzalp, S. 2023. “The Techniques of Proto-Hassuna Pottery Production at Sumaki Höyük”, Turkish Journal of Archaeological Science 3, 80-106.
Gündüzalp, S. 2023. “The Proto-Hassuna Pottery of Upper Tigris Basin” Anatolian Research, in press.
Gündüzalp, S. 2022. “Güneybatı Asya’da Çanak Çömleğin İcadı” [The invention of Pottery in Southwes Asia], Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 169, 47-66.
Gündüzalp, S. 2022. “Bir Arkeoloğun Portresi: L. S. Klejn’in Yaşamı ve Düşünceleri” [Portrait of an Archaeologist: The Life and Thought of L. S. Klejn], in 20. Yüzyıl Düşünce Tarihinden Kesitler, İ. Demir (Ed.), Çanakkale, Paradigma Akademi Yayınları, s.149-173.
Gündüzalp, S. 2021. “Beginning and development of pottery use in Upper Mesopotamia” NeoLithics, 21, A22-24.
Gündüzalp, S. 2018. “Yukarı Mezopotamya’nın İlk Çanak Çömlek Grubunda Farklı Bir Form: Kutular” [An Atypical Form in the Early Pottery Assemblage of the Upper Mesopotamia: Boxes], Anadolu Prehistorya Araştırmaları Dergisi 4, s.103-118.
Erim-Özdoğan, A. and Gündüzalp, S. 2018. Çemialo Sırtı A Middle Bronze and Late Iron Age Site, Batman Müzesi Ilısu Barajı Kurtarma Kazıları, F. Baş (Ed.), Batman: Fikirzen Ajans, s.201-240.