Platon Petridis

Researcher in residence at the Maison Suger | January-February 2025
Platon Petridis

Platon Petridis is a full Professor of Byzantine Archaeology at the University of Athens and the Director of the NKUA Museum of Archaeology and Art History. His research interests extend to many aspects of material culture (mainly pottery), the architecture and urbanism of the Early Byzantine period, the conservation and enhancement of archaeological sites and digital humanities. He directs or co-directs excavations in Greece and Italy and has taught as Visiting Professor in many French universities since 2010. Among the books he wrote, La céramique protobyzantine de Delphes. Une production et son contexte, 2010 was awarded the Prix Gustave Mendel of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres in 2011.

The project

Title: Living in Greece in Late Antiquity: socio-political issues, urban planning, material culture - Series of 4 lectures

"The first aim of the series of seminars I plan to hold at the University of Paris 1 is to present these new discoveries and the results of the studies mentioned above. The wide range of subjects covered (architecture, urban planning, ceramics, religion, society and identity issues) will provide a global vision of the period and enable students to integrate the new knowledge acquired during these four weeks into a broader context already acquired during their previous years of study. I would also like to share the difficulties encountered and the methodological constraints in the field of protobyzantine archaeology, and invite participants (students and colleagues) to a discussion on the prospects for this discipline, once considered marginal by Byzantine art historians."

Hosting institution: Université Paris 1

Selective Bibliography

  • « Des Chiffres et des Lettres ? Classification et appellation des objets dans les contextes archéologiques », in C. Brun - C. Roche - M. Papadopoulou (éds), Terminologie & Ontologie : Théories et Applications. Actes de la Conférence ToTh 2022, Chambéry 2023, 15-28.
  • « De la Curia à l’Évêque : traces matérielles du changement du pouvoir dans l’urbanisme des villes grecques du ive au viie s. de notre ère » in B. Fourniel (dir.), Les pouvoirs urbains dans l’Europe Médiévale et Moderne, Toulouse 2022, 13-27.
  • « Olla et Domus: Interpreting the History of Late Roman Houses Based on the Study of Pottery and Vice Versa » in J. Vukovic - V. Bikic (éds), Pottery Function and Use: A Diachronic Perspective, Belgrade 2022, 323-336.
  • « The Public Setting », « The Domestic Setting » in D. Andrianou (éd.), A Cultural History of Furniture in Antiquity, vol. 1, London 2022, 91-116, 117-138.
  • 12th Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics. Proceedings, Athens 2021 (edited by P. Petridis, A.G. Yangaki, N. Liaros, E.-E. Bia), ISBN:9789604662548. (
Published at 31 December 2024