Luisa Sampugnaro

Laureate of the 2023 Atlas programme
Luisa Sampugnaro

Luisa Sampugnaro is an Assistant Reader (Cultrice) in the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences at the University of Turin and a Humanities, specializing in Aesthetics. She is also a member of the Permanent Seminar ART - Aesthetic Research Turin and of the international network Hegel ArtNet international network. Her research focuses on the threshold between Modernity and Postmodernity in the field of speculative theories of art, especially as regards
narratives of the "end", changes in the artistic status of the work and artistic status of the work, and transformations in the concept of reception. She is also interested in the philosophies of history and painting. She is currently she is working on a project on the aesthetic thought of Gérard Genette.


Selective bibliography

Un art purifié. Logique et histoire du Modernisme chez Clément Greenberg, in La modernité en art, sous la direction de A. Rieber et B. Tochon-Danguy, Paris, Classiques Garnier 2022, pp.212-228.

The Work of Man and the End of History. Hegel transfigured by Kojève’s Thought, in The Owl’s Flight. Hegel’s Legacy in a Different Voice, (Eds.) S. Achella, G. Baptist, F. Iannelli, F. Li Vigni, C. Melica, S. Feloj. Berlin: De Gruyter 2021, pp. 397-406

«Fisica e metafisica del sublime in Barnett Newman», “Itinera” vol. 21, (1/2021), pp. 86-99.

«Danto, l’arte e i regimi di storicità. Un percorso di lettura», “Rivista di Estetica” n. 77 (2/2021), pp. 140-155.

Arthur Danto. Una libera navigazione hegeliana, in Effetto Hegel. Eredità hegeliane e pensiero contemporaneo, a cura di Cacciatore, F. Lesce, Napoli, Guida 2020, pp. 251-270.

Il posto degli altri e il piacere. Un problema kantiano in Gérard Genette, in Costellazioni del senso.Saggi in onore di Romeo Bufalo, a cura di F. Lesce e L. Sampugnaro, Napoli, Guida 2019, pp.

"Il divenire musica della pittura. Il tema della objektlose Malerei in Hegel, Kandinskij e Kojève», “Palinsesti” vol. 5 (2019) pp. 301-325.

Per un’archeologia dell’arte post-storica in Arthur C. Danto, in F. Lesce, L. Sampugnaro, L’arte nel prisma della fine. Danto attraverso Hegel, Aracne, Roma 2018, pp. 63-118

Published at 1 June 2023