Kang Daehoon

Laureate of the Louis Dumont Prize 2021

Kang Daehoon has been a PhD student in anthropology at EHESS since 2020. After graduating from Seoul National University in 2011 with a bachelor's degree in oceanography, he worked as a researcher at the South Korean Institute of Marine Science and Technology (KIOST) from 2013 to 2015. Sent several times on research trips to Palau, Fiji, and the Federated States of Micronesia, he discovered worlds hitherto completely unknown to him. It was on this occasion that anthropology fascinated him. Then, he resumed his master's studies (anthropology) at Seoul University and EHESS.

The project

Migrate, live and dream on an island. Neo-rural migration to Jeju Island, South Korea and transformation of a village community
Keywords: Jeju Island (South Korea), migration, neo-rural, village community, shamanic religiosity

Selected publications

  • “곱게 갑서 다시 오지 맙서: 제주 성산읍 해녀공동체와 바다거북의 상징성” (‘Adieu, que vous ne reveniez plus’ : tortue de la mer, ancêtres, et chamanisme chez les plongeuses dans l’île de Jeju)”, han'gŭru publishing, 2021.
  • “A dangerous ancestral spirit brought by daughter-in-law : Toch'aebi worship in Jeju Island (South Korea) and women who threaten the confucian agnatic ideology at marriage exchange”, Korean Cultural Anthropology, Vol.54, No.3.
  • « 버마 고산지대의 정치체계 », 2016, (traduction de l’anglais à coréen, Edmund Leach, 1964, Political systems of Highland Burma : A study of Kachin social structure, G.Bell & Son Ltd.)
  • « 인류를 만든 종교와 의례 », 2017, (traduction de l’anglais à coréen), Roy A. Rappaport, 1999, Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • « 인간사회와 상징행위 : 사회적 드라마, 구조, 커뮤니타스 », 2018 (traduction de l’anglais à coréen), Victor Turner, 1974, Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors : Symbolic Action in Human Society, Cornell University Press)
  • « 기나긴 청춘 : 어른되기가 유예된 사회의 청년들 », 2020, (traduction du français à coréen), Jean Viard, 2019, Un nouvel âge jeune ? : Devenir adulte en société mobile, l’Aube.
Published at 8 November 2021