Francesca Zilio

Researcher in residence at the Maison Suger | September 2023
Francesca Zilio

Francesca Zilio is Vice-Director of the Research and Projects Department at Villa Vigoni, the only Italian-German bi-national cultural institution in existence, where she focuses on international scientific cooperation and is responsible for the international Italian-French-German "Atéliers Vigoni" program. She studied International and Diplomatic Sciences at the University of Trieste and at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. She then obtained a doctorate in the History of International Relations, co-tutored by the Sapienza University of Rome and the Freie Universität Berlin. She is a board member of the Italian Society for the Contemporary History of the German-speaking World (SISCALT), the Italian Society for International History (SISI) and the DAAD Italy Alumni Association (ADIT).

The project

Title: Impact study of the international Italian-French-German program "Atéliers Vigoni".

International cooperation program "Ateliers Vigoni" - Impact analysis for the twentieth anniversary of the Italian-French-German program.

Hosting institution: FMSH

Selective Bibliography

  • Divisione e riunificazione: itinerari storici nella Berlino della Guerra fredda, Menaggio, Villa Vigoni Editore | Verlag, 2020
  • Unirsi e non restare spettatori immobili di ciò che accade nel mondo”: Mariano Rumor, l’integrazione europea e la distensione, Roma, Editrice Apes, 2020
  • “The conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe and NATO Southern Flank: Mediterranean security as a source of intra-bloc tension”, in Lemke, Bernd (a cura di): Periphery or Contact Zone? The NATO-Flanks 1961 to 2013, Freiburg, Rombach, 2015, pp. 69-85
  • Roma e Bonn fra Ostpolitik e CSCE, 1969-1975, Roma, Aracne, 2014
Published at 13 September 2023