Fabrice Jaumont

Principal Investigator of Global Philanthropy and Education in the Age of Knowledge Societies Research activities under Humanitarian aid in Globalization platform


A native of France, Fabrice Jaumont moved to the United States in 1997. After serving as an education liaison for the French Consulate in Boston and then as assistant principal at the International School of Boston, he moved to New York in 2001. He is currently the Program Officer for FACE Foundation, and the Education Attaché for the Embassy of France to the United States. He is also a Senior Fellow and Principal Investigator at Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris. His research project entitled ‘Global Philanthropy and Education in the Age of Knowledge Societies’ aims to highlight the role of global philanthropy in development assistance through the specific relationship of international foundations with private and public universities, research institutes, cultural centers, schools and continuing education in the world. Fabrice Jaumont holds a Ph.D. in Comparative and International Education from New York University.


Selective bibliography

Towards a Philanthropic Model for Francophone Africa’s Public Universities? The Case of Fondation Université Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar. NSI 04: New Philanthropy and the Disruption of Global Education2020. Avec T. Moja

Collaboration in development between U.S. foundations and African universities in Ridge, N. & Terway, A. Philanthropy in Education: Diverse Perspectives and Global Trends2019. Avec T. Moja.

Partenaires inégaux : les universités en Afrique sous influence américaine, 2018, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme

The Bilingual Revolution, The Future of Education is in Two Languages, 2017, TBR Books

Jaumont, F., Ross, J., and Le Dévédec, B. (2017). "Institutionalization of French Heritage language Education in U.S. School Systems in Kagan", Olga E. , Maria M. Carreira and Claire Hitchins Chik. The Routledge Handbook of Heritage Language Education. Abingdon: Routledge.

Jaumont, F., Ross, J., Schulz, J., Dunn., and Ducrey., Lauren (2016). "Sustainability of French Heritage Language Education in the United States in Handbook of Research and Practice in Heritage Language Education", Springer International Handbooks of Education (pp. 1-18)

Jaumont, F. (2016). The Dynamics of Collaboration between U.S. Philanthropic Foundations and African Universities in Alphin, Lavin, Stark, Hoker, Facilitating Higer Education Growth through Fundraising and Philanthropy, IGI Global.

Unequal Partners: American Foundations and Higher Education Development in Africa, 2016, Palgrave MacMillan

Jaumont, Fabrice, and Jack Klempay. "Measuring the Influence of Language on Grant-Making by US Foundations in Africa". Reconsidering Development 4, no. 1 (2015): 4.

Jane F. Ross et Fabrice Jaumont, "Maintien et transmission de l’héritage linguistique chez les francophones des Etats-Unis". Québec français 174 (2015): 43–44.

Jaumont, F., and Ross, J. (2014). "French Heritage Language Communities in the United States" in T. Wiley, J. K. Peyton, D. Christian, S. C. Moore, and N. Liu. Handbook of Heritage and Community Languages in the United States (pp. 101-110). Oxford, U.K.: Routledge.

Jane Ross and Fabrice Jaumont. (2013). "French Language Vitality in the US" in Heritage Language Journal. Vol. 10, No 3. (pp. 316-317)

Jaumont, F., and Ross, J. (2012). "Building Bilingual Communities: NYC’s French Bilingual Revolution" in O. García, Z. Zakharia, and B. Otcu (Eds.), Bilingual Community Education and Multilingualism  (pp. 232-246). Bristol, U.K.: Multilingual Matters.

Papers selection

China’s big donors are pitching in to deal with the new coronavirus – and not just in their own countryThe Conversation, 3 avril 2020. Avec. C. Sellen.

China: rise of a new philanthropic power, The Conversation, 6 février 2020. Avec. C. Sellen.

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Humanitarian aid in globalization

Understanding the changes taking place in humanitarian aid today



Presentation of Fabrice Jaumont's book, "Unequal Partners"

Wednesday 10th October

Presentation of Fabrice Jaumont's book, "Unequal Partners"

Wednesday 10th October

Fabrice Jaumont at the Comparative & International Education Society 2018 (CIES)

Re-Mapping Global Education. South-North Dialogue

Fabrice Jaumont at the Comparative & International Education Society 2018 (CIES)

Re-Mapping Global Education. South-North Dialogue
See all researcher activities
Published at 12 February 2018