Ernesto Ottone

Chairholder of the Global Destinies of Latin America Chair

Ernesto Ottone F. is a Doctor of Political Science from Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III University. He was strategic advisor for President Ricardo Lagos and Vice Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations (CEPALC). He is Globalisation and Democracy Chair at Diego Portales University in Chile. He is a Professor at the University of Chile and member of the Social, Political and Moral Sciences of the Institute Chile.

He is author of numerous publications and fifteen books including: Après la Révolution [After the Revolution], Atalante 2008, in collaboration with Sergio Muñoz, Gobernar la Globalisation ed. U. Diego Portales 2011, El Viaje Rojo ed Penguin Random 2014, El Segundo Piso, ed Penguin Random 2016.

Closed project

Global Destinies of Latin America

- Closed project -



Marx après Marx

Séminaire Sociologie du conflit | Mercredi 22 mai

Marx après Marx

Séminaire Sociologie du conflit | Mercredi 22 mai
Study day

Reporté | Populismes, de l’Amérique latine à l’Europe

Study day

Reporté | Populismes, de l’Amérique latine à l’Europe

See all researcher activities
Published at 23 September 2016