Researcher in residence at the Maison Suger | Décembre 2024 - février 2025
Elena Shadrina holds a Ph.D. in Economics. She is a professor at the School of International Liberal Studies at Waseda University (Tokyo), lecturing on Sustainable Development, Energy Transition, Comparative Economic Systems, and Eurasian Economic Studies. Before joining Waseda University, she worked at Meiji University Graduate School of Governance Studies.
The project
Title: Global, International and National Perspectives on Climate Change Action
In climate action, there are nations trailblazers and nations laggards. Why are some countries committed to conducting costly innovative climate change policy, forgoing a certain portion of their economic efficiency, while others are not? Are there distinctive patterns in the nations’ climate change policies? What are the aspects influencing the nations’ decision to commit climate action? What are the factors determining the format of climate change policy in a nation-leader as compared to that in a nation-follower? The proposed research project addresses these questions in order to provide a clearer perspective on the variety of national climate change policies across the globe. The study incorporates versatile data and employs several analytical methods to explore a broader context of climate change policy, identify patterns of climate action and interpret cross-national differences.
Hosting institution: The Center for International Studies (CERI) at SciencesPo, Paris
Selective Bibliography
Shadrina, E. Cooperation for Renewable Energy Development in Central Asia. In Central Asia in a Multipolar Word. Jakob Lempp and Sebastian Mayer, eds. Springer Nature (forthcoming)
Shadrina, E. Energy and other natural resources in Russia-Japan relations: Russian perspective. In Handbook of Russia-JapanRelations. Kazuhiko Togo and Dmitri V. Streltsov, eds. MHM Limited (forthcoming)
Shadrina, E. (2022). Internationalisation of Higher Education in Japan and COVID-19 Pandemic. In Higher Education and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-national perspectives on the challenges and management of higher education in crisis times. Fulufhelo Netswera, Ayenachew A. Woldegiyorgis, and Tatiana Karabchuk, eds. Brill/Sense Book Series “Global Perspectives on Higher Education”.
Shadrina, E. (2020). Renewable Energy in Central Asian Economies: Role in Reducing Regional Energy Insecurity. pp. 60-108. In Energy Insecurity in Asia: Challenges, Solutions, and Renewable Energy, Naoyuki Yoshino, Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Young Ho Chang and Thai-Ha Le, eds. ADBI Press.
Shadrina, E. (2020). Energy Integration in the Eurasian Economic Union: A Preliminary Study on Progress and Policy Implications. In Economies, Politics and Societies in the Post-Communist Countries: Thirty Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Gennadi Kazakevitch and Alexandr Akimov, eds. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
Shadrina, E. (2020). A double paradox of plenty: renewable energy deployment in Central Asia. Eurasian Geography and Economics, DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2020.1823868
Shadrina, E. (2020). Non-Hydropower Renewable Energy in Central Asia: Assessment of Deployment Status and Analysis of Underlying Factors. Energies, 13, 2963.