Dieter Plehwe

Guest researcher in residence at the Maison Suger from April 3 to 29, 2023
Dieter Plehwe

Dieter Plehwe, Ph.D., is a senior fellow at the Berlin Social Science Center and a lecturer at the University of Kassel’s Department of Political Science.  His research interests are in transformation and varieties of capitalism, neoliberalism studies and policy-related expertise, and policy contestation in the fields of climate policy, energy policy, public finance/austerity, think tanks and lobbying.

With Ruth McKie, he leads the Climate Social Science Network’s Global Census of Climate Obstruction Organizations working group. With Moritz Neujeffski, he publishes a repository and blog on think tank network research at

The project

Ttile: Designing markets: platform corporations and economics in the age of digital capitalism

Keywords: International Political Economy, Comparative Capitalism, Neoliberalism, Think Tanks, Climate Policy

Hosting institution: MaxPo à Sciences Po Paris

Selection of publications

Plehwe, D.; Günaydin, K. (2022): Whither Energiewende? Strategies to manufacture uncertainty and unknowing to redirect Germanys Renewable Energy Law. International Journal of Public Policy, pp 270-292

Plehwe, D. (2022): Reluctant Transformers or Reconsidering Opposition to Climate Change Mitigation? German Think Tanks between Environmentalism and Neoliberalism. Globalizations, , S. 1-19; DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2022.2038358

Slobodian, Q., Plehwe, D. (2022) (eds) Market Civilizations. Neoliberals East and South (New York: Zone Books)

McBride, S., Evans, B., Plehwe, D. (2021 ) (eds.) The Changing Politics and Policy of Austerity (Bristol: Policy Press)

Plehwe, D./Slobodian, Q./Mirowski, P. (2020) (eds.) Nine Lives of Neoliberalism (Verso)

Published at 17 March 2023