Cristina Eleonora Pascu

Invited Researcher of the Atlas Programme Stay in France: from September 1st to October 31th, 2022

Cristina Eleonora Pascu is a PhD. artistic researcher and spokesperson at the National Academy of music "Gheorghe Dima". Licensed in Psychology, Musicology and Piano, she obtained the title of Doctor of music in 2020, defending the thesis "The French pedagogical-interpretive model and the Pianistic School of Cluj: disciples of Alfred Cortot”. Cristina Pascu has conducted research internships within the scholarships obtained at the Universities of Cambridge, Vienna, Freiburg, Paris, Malmö, Venice, Tallinn, Antwerp.

The project 

Title: The impact of French pedagogy on the Romanian piano school. Romanian disciples of Alfred Cortot»

Keywords: artistic research, Piano history, interpretative traditions, French pianism.

Selected publications

  • „Pages of history. Eliza Ciolan, founder of piano school”, Musicology Papers, vol. 30 nr.2, 2015, pp. 22 - 34, ISSN-2068-8601;
  • Cortot's teaching and interpretative model in Cluj. In memoriam Ecaterina Fotino-Negru (1902 – 1991), Musicology Papers, vol. 31 nr. 1, 2016, pp. 78-88, ISSN 2068 – 8601.
  • „Ninuca Oșanu Pop – a life dedicated to music”, Musicology Papers, vol. 31 nr. 2, 2016, ISSN 2068 – 8601.
  • „Viennese Traditions in the Transylvanian Piano School”, Sammelband des Symposiums MAEK - Musik. Aesthtik. Kunst, coord: Adriana Paler - Nicolescu, Viena; 2017, ISBN 978 - 3 - 99012 - 442 – 0.


  • Artists from Cluj at École Normale de Musique. Disciples of Alfred Cortot.


Published at 20 July 2022