Heritage Fabric in the Digital Age

6th Hyperheritage International Symposium | 13 & 14 november

The term HyperHeritage covers every hybrid cultural heritage environment augmented with digital information inviting us to explore new ways of perceiving, experiencing and practicing cultural heritage. Massive developments on ICT and the unprecedented spread of mobile, location-aware and immersive (Augmented and Virtual Reality) technologies and devices, advocate for the exploration of new forms of Human to Human, Human-Computer and Human-Environment interaction and information communication on Cultural Heritage. These advances also imply gradually establishing new ways and means to comprehend, access, process, experience and perceive digital and interconnected Cultural Heritage information on a variety of delivery platforms, devices and environments.

Human-to-Human computer-mediated communication protocols, are inviting information designers to reconsider the design of all digitally augmented Cultural-Heritage environments. Rather than questioning or challenging the role of traditional Cultural Heritage institutions, HyperHeritage comes to offer new communication means for processing, experiencing and perceiving Cultural Heritage information, as produced, created, consumed and experienced in all digitally interconnected dimensions and spaces.

In June 2016, at the last conference, UNESCO reaffirmed the importance of tangible and intangible cultural heritage for the preservation and promotion of culture and as an engine for sustainable development.

We are moreover witnessing an increased engagement from researchers, social actors, institutions and diverse publics for reconceptualising the transmission of cultural heritage in all its dimensions. This phenomenon is inherent to the preservation, development, experiencing and transmission of cultural heritage. It occurs in different temporalities and merges all facets of cultural heritage as it is experienced, perceived and lived. It also evokes issues related with concepts such as the construction of self, identity, emotions, memory, creativity and imaginary heritage spaces.

The sixth HyperHeritage International Symposium (HIS.6) will be focusing –yet not limited- on the theme "Heritage Factory in the Digital Age".

Conference sponsored by Chaire ITEN - UNESCO, CiTU-Paragraphe, FMSH, DeVisu-UPHF, University of Constantine 3, AAUP, ESSTD, GERiiCO, UMONS, Université Paris8.

In partnership with IEA de Paris

Published at 13 November 2019