Itinérances, mobilités et migrations

Polygraphe(s) journal n°5 to be published in September 2023
Revue Polygraphe(s) n°5

Itinerances, mobilities and migrations have become, unwillingly but increasingly, subjects of study and writing. They can represent voluntary trajectories, consented or imposed, individual or collective. Frequent or exceptional, guided or free, near or far, peregrinations sometimes entail a need to express oneself, to verify one's trajectories, to stop and settle down for a while. The need to make oneself understood, to exchange in new contexts, mobilizes learning and hitherto unheard-of practices, sometimes interwoven with old customs, springing from this mobility. These graphic and linguistic resources become extraordinary in that they manifest other forms of narration, "so that the realities of elsewhere can be inscribed", in the words of Édouard Glissant. Individual graphic acts are sometimes reproduced by others, as if to demonstrate solidarity. When silence prevails, writing, motifs and objects appear as the last traces of singular or collective memories of migration. There is no shortage of strategies for expressing voluntary or forced displacement, or the conditions of exile, uprooting and even exclusion.

The aim of this issue, again with a transdisciplinary approach, is to bring together proposals that are rooted both in the visibility of graphic narratives of itinerancy, mobility and migration produced by the actors themselves, and in the ways in which these narratives can be reconstructed using the research methods mobilized by scientific disciplines.

Published at 30 June 2023