Andrea Pinotti is elected president of the new Scientific Council of the FMSH

Aesthetics teacher, Andrea Pinotti was elected President of the Scientific Council of the FMSH on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, during the installation session of the completely renewed council. He will be assisted by Anne Lehoërff, university professor in archeology, and Sylvie Rollet, university professor emeritus in film studies, both elected vice-presidents.
Composed of 12 members, the scientific council will give its opinion on scientific and international policy and consolidate its orientations. It will also make proposals and recommendations regarding the initiatives and projects implemented.
"I am honored and happy to act as President of the Scientific Council of the FMSH, and grateful to fellow members of this Council for their trust. I am aware, on one hand, of the prestigious tradition of the FMSH and on the other hand, of the challenges - scientific and methodological - that await the human and social sciences in their relationship with the hard sciences, data science, cognitive science and new technologies. And also the pressing political challenges launched by the contemporary international scenario, which requires us to find appropriate interpretative tools for the new "polis", the common space we inhabit. The Scientific Council, in consultation with the Management Board, will undertake to give the necessary impetus to the development of the scientific and international policy of the FMSH while respecting the plurality of human and social sciences.”, declares Andrea Pinotti, President of the Scientific Council.
The 12 new members of the scientific council
Mr Andrea PINOTTI, Philosophy of Aesthetics, University of Milan
Vice presidents
Mrs Sylvie ROLLET, Film studies, University of Poitiers
Mrs Anne LEHOËRFF, Archeology, CY Cergy Paris
Mr Bernard DEBARBIEUX, Geography, University of Geneva
Mrs Sandra LAUGIER, Philosophy, Paris I University
Mr Thomas MAISSEN, History, German Historical Institute
Mrs Nonna MAYER, Sociology, Sciences Po / CNRS
Mr Marc MAZOWER, History, Columbia University
Mr Robert MORRISSEY, French and digital literature, University of Chicago
Mrs Christine MUSSELIN, Sociology, Sciences Po / CNRS
Mr André TORRE, Economy, INRA (National Institute of Agronomic Research) / AgroParisTech
Mrs Anne-Marie TURCAN-VERKERK, Digital Humanities Literature, EPHE



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