Les nouvelles voies de l'énonciation

Conversation « In the intimacy of research »
6:00 pm
8:00 pm
 enonciation bannière.jpg

How does the notion of enunciation, well defined in linguistics and semiotics, deserve to be re-examined ?

The book presented during this meeting, "In the intimacy of research", offers an overview of the major theoretical inflections that it has undergone over the last sixty years, showing, above all, how "post-Greimasian" semiotics explores new paths. True to the interdisciplinary vocation of semiotics, the book seeks to bring semiotics into dialogue with linguistics, but also with philosophy and anthropology.

The dynamics behind "becoming a text", with its passages and transversalities, are at the heart of the reflection. The text is also approached from the point of view of its materiality and its support, as well as its status, for example that of the work of art. Throughout the book, the hypotheses are put to the test through numerous case studies: literary texts, syncretic statements, paintings and collages, photographs and compositions, hyperphotos, nanoartistic works, a video clip, or literary writings on paper imitating the strategies of digital hypertextuality.

The speakers

Marion Colas-Blaise, the author, professor emeritus of linguistics and semiotics at the University of Luxembourg

Pierluigi Basso, semiotician, professor in language sciences at the University Lumière Lyon-II. /ENS

Maria Giulia Dondero, research director of the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS, professor of visual semiotics at the University of Liège, co-editor of the SIGILA collection at Presses universitaires de Liège (Belgium)

Mathilde Vallespir is a lecturer at Sorbonne University in semiotics, stylistics and discourse analysis in the 20th century.

Other publications

Marion Colas-Blaise, Maria Giulia Dondero et Emmanuelle Pelard (dir.), Signifiant et matière : l'iconicité et la plasticité dans le document numérique verbal et visuel in Semen 49. Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2021.

Pierluigi Basso Fossali, Maria Dondero, Sémiotique de la photographie. Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2011.

Published at 22 May 2023