Gardens and politics

European meetings of the European Institute of Gardens and Landscapes
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Le jardin et la musique

Since its origins, the garden has served both nutritional and aesthetic purposes. We often forget that, at least since the park at Versailles, it has also had an eminently political dimension. In the age of the Anthropocene, when threats to the environment and even to the continuity of our species are pressing, the garden is becoming the place to experiment with other ways of inhabiting the earth. Within its enclosure, economic and social models are being developed as alternatives to the dominant ones. We rethink our relationship with living things. Small (or large) utopias are realized.

Gilles Clément (landscape gardener) will discuss these themes with Frédérique Basset (journalist, author of "Les quatre saisons de Gilles Clément", Rue de l'échiquier, 2022).

- Event in french

European meetings of the European Institute of Gardens and Landscapes

Since 2013, the Institut Européen des Jardins & Paysages (IEJP) has been dedicated to disseminating knowledge of European landscape heritage, developing it and improving exchanges between researchers and practitioners in this field.

More information (FR)

Published at 12 October 2023