Comparative Economic History Europe and Asia

International conference

The Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme supports the organization of scientific events in the humanities and social sciences (SHS). In this context, François Gipouloux (CNRS), organizes an international conference from 14 to 15 November 2022:

This international conference will explore several features of economic development in Asia and in Europe, focusing on business partnerships, brokers, maritime insurance, and accounting methods, among others. This approach aims at linking Europe and Asia as theatres of intense economic interaction. It will deal with the similarities and differences between economic institutions in Europe and in China and Japan, in order to delineate the divergent paths for economic development taken by the two regions after the 18th century. This framework is intended to provide a firm foundation for multi-faceted interactions between scholars involved in economic history, legal studies, and anthropology, in both Europe and Asia.


Monday 14 November 2022

9 :30 Participants registration

10 :00
François Gipouloux (CNRS)
General presentation of the EurasiaTrajeco research programme

Leonard Blussé (Leiden University)
The indispensable intermediary

Anne Gerritsen (University of Warwick)
Merchants of fire and traders of clay


14 :00
Patrizia Carioti (Università L’Orientale)
Fluctuating between Commerce and Politics…Notes on the Multifarious Roles of the Tōjin in Nagasaki during the Early Tokugawa Bakufu

Manuel Perez Garcia (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
The “power-paradox theory” in imperial China and Spain: state capacity and clan corporations in the “High Qing” period

Coffee Break

Giovanni Ceccarelli (Università di Parma)
Encounters in Political economy: Asia and the ‘School of Salamanca’

Sabine Go (VU Amsterdam- University of Exeter)
Divergence in Governance: Adjudication of Marine Insurance and General Average in pre-modern Amsterdam

- - -

Tuesday 15 November

9 :30
Laurence Fontaine (CNRS-EHESS)
The questioning of the moral economy in late 18th century France

Ron Po (LSE)
Securing the Maritime Frontier: Lan Dingyuan and the Social Obligations of the Wealthy

Coffee Break

Catia Antunes (Leiden University)
Global Merchant Culture? Problems Raised by a European Model of Colonial Exploitation

Joshua Batts (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Silver Obstacles: Negotiating Exchange During Tokugawa Japan's ‘Spanish Decade’ - 1598-1613

14 :00

Aleksandra Kobiljski (CNRS-EHESS)
The Art of Putting Salt Fields to Rest in 19th century Japan

Matthieu Fauré (EHESS)
Salt production in Early Modern Japan : A comparative approach
Salt Monopoly in Kaga and Policies of the Salt in Hagi (1790-1815)

General discussion

16 : 00 End of the conference.

Published at 14 November 2022