Zhanna Karimova

Invited Researcher of the Atlas Programme Stay in France: from May 15 to July 15, 2019

After a Master 2 (research) at the Université Lumière Lyon 2 and a thesis in sociology at the Kazakhe National Pedagogical University, Zhanna Karimova is first of all a general analyst, then head of department at the Information and Communication Center. analysis at the National Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 2013 she has been Deputy Director, Researcher at the YOUTH Research Center at the Ministry of Civil Development of Kazakhstan. Since 2008, she has been regularly involved in the Chair of Social Disciplines at Kazakhe National Pedagogical University of Kazakhstan.

The project

Title: Careers of women and men in mathematics: a France-Kazakhstan comparatist approach to professional gender dynamics

Keywords: Professional trajectories; sociology of professions; gender sociology; international comparison in sociology; youth; sociology of education

Selected publications

Collective publications as part of the work at the JEUNESSE Research Center:

  1. (2018, en anglais, kazakh et russe) Kaliyev T.B., Kaydarova A.S., Karimova Zh.K.*, Ashymkhanova D.E. et autres. National report "Youth of Kazakhstan – 2018". Astana: SRC "Youth", 190-205 p.

  2. (2014, en anglais, kazakh et russe) Bukanova Zh.K., Karimova Zh.K.*, Amreyeva L.M., Zaynieva L.Y., Iliyassova G.T., Kalashnikova N.P., Kalieva K.S., Kenzhebalina G.N., Massatova B.B., Mukhametzhanova E.A., Teslenko A.N. National report "Youth of Kazakhstan – 2014". Astana: SRC "Youth", 216-223 p.

  3. (2013, en russe) Bukanova Zh.K., Karimova Zh.K.*, Warkentin E.W., Jussypkaliyeva Sh.S., Tyleubergenov Y.M. Passport of youth of Astana city – 2013. Astana: SRC “Youth”, 110 p. ISBN 978-601-80419-0-7

  4. (2013, en kazakh et russe) Bukanova Zh.K., Karimova Zh.K.*, Iliyassova G.T., Massatova B.B., Khamchiyev K.M., Warkentin E.W., Kudaybergenov R.A. National report "Youth of Kazakhstan – 2013". Astana: SRC "Youth", 164 p., 35-44 p. ISBN 978-601-750704-6

  5. (2013, en russe) Karimova Zh.K.*, Kudaybergenov R.A., Bukanova Zh.K. Innovative development and youth: the state and prospects // Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political Science №3 (43), Almaty, 70-75 p.

  6. (2013, en kazakh) Kazhygaliyeva Sh.K., Gabbasov S., Bokanova Zh.K., Karimova Zh.K.*, Abrayeva R.A. Traditions of ancestors – pledge of youth (Ата-баба дәстүрі – жас ұрпаққа аманат). Methodical Manual. Astana: LLP “Shikula and Co”, 40 p. ISBN 978-9965-418-983

  7. (2013, en kazakh) Esimbaeva G.A., Bokanova Zh.K., Karimova Zh.K.* Kazakh song is a source of national education (Қазақтың ән-күйі – ұлттық тәрбиенің көзі). Methodical Manual. Astana: LLP “Shikula and Co”, 40 p. ISBN 978-9965-418-95-2

  8. (2013, en kazakh) Gabbasov S., Esimbaeva G.A., Bokanova Zh.K., Kirillinskaya L.V., Karimova Zh.K.* Kazakh song is a source of national education (Қазақтың ән-күйі – ұлттық тәрбиенің көзі). Interactive book. Astana: LLP “Shikula and Co”

  9. (2013, in Kazakh) Bukanova Zh.K., Karimova Zh.K.*, Iliyassova G.T., Massatova B.B., Zhanaev A.Zh., Mustafina V.O. Issues of educational work in universities. Methodical Manual. Astana: LLP “Shikula and Co”, 160 p. ISBN 978-601-7507-09-1 20.

  10. (2013, in Russian) Bukanova Zh.K., Karimova Zh.K.*, Iliyassova G.T., Massatova B.B. Socio-economic adaptation of youth in cities of Kazakhstan. Vol.1 Astana: SRC "Youth", 138 p.

Sociological surveys conducted at the JEUNESSE Research Center (in collaboration with colleagues):

  1. (2018, en kazakh et russe) Marginalization of youth in Atyrau region. Analytical report on the results of sociological survey. Astana: SRC "Youth", 120 p.

  2. (2018, en kazakh et russe) Study of the youth situation in the city of Astana. Analytical report on the results of sociological survey. Astana: SRC "Youth", 66 p.

  3. (2018, en kazakh et russe) The state youth policy in Kazakhstan. Analytical report on the results of sociological survey. Astana: SRC "Youth", 110 p.

  4. (2014, en russe) The development of volunteering in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Analytical report on the results of sociological survey. Astana: SRC "Youth", 64 p.

  5. (2014, en kazakh) The development of volunteering in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Analytical report on the results of sociological survey. Astana: SRC "Youth", 58 p.

  6. (2014, en russe) Youth public organizations: problems and development prospects. Analytical report on the results of sociological survey. Astana: SRC "Youth", 80 p.

  7. (2014, en kazakh) Youth public organizations: problems and development prospects. Analytical report on the results of sociological survey. Astana: SRC "Youth", 69 p.

  8. (2014, en russe) Impact of social networks on the development and socialization of youth in Kazakhstan. Analytical report on the results of sociological survey. Astana: SRC "Youth", 80 p.

  9. (2014, en kazakh) Impact of social networks on the development and socialization of youth in Kazakhstan. Analytical report on the results of sociological survey. Astana: SRC "Youth", 78 p.

  10. (2014, en russe) Student youth: social portrait. Analytical report on the results of sociological survey. Astana: SRC "Youth", 70 p. 13. (2014, in Kazakh) Student youth: social portrait. Analytical report on the results of sociological survey. Astana: SRC "Youth", 69 p.

Publications as a Postdoctoral Researcher and a Master's and Bachelors Student:

  1. (2012, en allemand) Karimova Sh. K. Das Gender – Problem in Kasachstan und Frankreich. Eine vergleichende Analyse // Sozialphilosophische, politische und rechtliche Aspekte der Modernisierung Kasachstans – Berlin, 2012.-S.55-66.

  2. (2011, en français) Karimova Zh. École, genre et travail // The news of advanced science – 2011. Vol. 18. History. Policy. Materials of 7th international scientific and practical conference. Bulgaria, Sofia, 2011 – 78-83 p.

  3. (2011, en russe) Karimova Zh. Gender socialization and gender differences in mathematical abilities: sociological analysis. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political science – 2011, №3. – 93-118 p.

  4. (2011, en russe) Karimova Zh. Gender asymmetry as a form of social inequality: sociological analysis. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political science – 2011, №3. 70-92 p.

  5. (2011, en russe) Karimova Zh. Professional Trajectories of Women Mathematicians in France and Kazakhstan: sociological aspects. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political science – 2011, №3. –3-17 p.

  6. (2011, en russe) Karimova Zh. Social Practices of Women Mathematicians in France and Kazakhstan: Rational Choice and Individual Strategies. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political science – 2011, №2. – 58-76 p.

  7. (2011, en russe) Karimova Zh. Institutional mechanisms for producing gender asymmetry: trajectories of women mathematicians in France and Kazakhstan. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political science – 2011, №2. – 107-138 p.

  8. (2011, en russe) Karimova Zh. France and Kazakhstan: education, gender and labor. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political science – 2011, №1. – 80-99 p.

  9. (2011, en russe) Karimova Zh. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of social trajectories of women. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political science – 2011, №1. – 16-23 p.

  10. (2011, en anglais) Karimova Zh. A Comparative Sociological Analysis of Educational Systems and Professional Tendencies: the Women of France and Kazakhstan. American Index of Central Asian Scholarship. Volume 2. Number 1. January 2011. WY state (Cheyenne), 2011 – 39-46 p. 11.

  11. (2011, en turc) Karimova Zh. Bilimsel calismalarin sosyali amaclari ve gerceklestirecegi gorevlerle ilgili onemli meeseleler (in co-authorship). Materialy VII miedzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji. «Naukowa mysl informacyjnes powieki-2011» 07-15 marca 2011 roku. Volume 11 Pedagogiczne nauki Filozofia Politologija. – Praha, 2011. – 84-88 p.

  12. (2011, en français) Karimova Zh. La comparaison des politiques publiques du Kazakhstan et de la France concernant l’égalite entre les hommes et les femmes // Materialy VII miedzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji. «Naukowa mysl informacyjnes powieki2011» 07-15 marca 2011 roku. Volume 11 Pedagogiczne nauki Filozofia Politologija. – Praha, 2011. – 93-98 p.

  13. (2010, en kazakh) Karimova Zh. Accessibility of higher education for different social groups in Kazakhstan: sociological analysis. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political science – 2010, №1. – 89-104 p.

  14. 14.(2010, en français) Karimova Zh. Les inegalites devant l’enseignement superieur: les theories macrosociologiques // Moderni vymozenosti vedy-2010.Dil 12. Psychologie a sociologie. Filosofie. Historie: Praha, 2010 – 31-37 p.

  15. (2010, en russe) Karimova Zh. Culture and professional trajectories of Koreans in Kazakhstan (in co-authorship). Central Asia and Korean Diaspora. August14, 2010 – Seul, 2010. – 16-23 p.

  16. (2010, en kazakh) Karimova Zh. Accessibility of higher education: territorial factor. Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference "A New Decade, a New Economic Growth, and New Opportunities for Kazakhstan”, 29 April 2010 – Almaty, AKNU, 2010. – 568-573 p.

  17. (2010, en kazakh) Karimova Zh. Accessibility of higher education: institutional factor. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political science – 2010, №2 (30) – 84-90 p.

  18. (2009, en kazakh) Karimova Zh. Accessibility of higher education as a sociological problem. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political science – 2009, №1 (25) – 30-36 p.

  19. (2009, en kazakh) Karimova Zh. Features of higher education in France: sociological analysis. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political science – 2009, №1 (25) – 58-62 p.

  20. (2009, en kazakh) Karimova Zh. International experience in ensuring the accessibility of higher education. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political science – 2009, №2 (25). – 80-102 p.

  21. (2009, en anglais) Karimova Zh. Higher education of Kazakhstan and France: the comparative sociological analysis. Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference “Through crisis to renewal and development”, 29 May 2009 – Almaty, 2009 – 555-561 p.

  22. (2009, en kazakh) Karimova Zh. Actual problems of higher education in Kazakhstan (in coauthorship). Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference “Through crisis to renewal and development”, 29 May 2009 – Almaty, 2009 – 455-461 p. 1.

  23. (2009, en kazakh) Karimova Zh. Factor analysis of accessibility of higher edycation in Kazakhstan. Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University Herald. Sociology and Political science – 2009, №3 – 25-28 p.

  24. (2009, en russe) Karimova Zh. The educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan: socio-political analysis: The Review of Central Asian Studies Vol. 2 (November 30, 2009) Institute of Central Asian Studies, Kangnam University, Korea. –Seul, 2009, №2. – 75-94 p.

  25. (2009, en russe) Karimova Zh. The educational level of women in France and Kazakhstan: the experience of comparative analysis. RUDN University Herald. Sociology. – Moscow, 2009, №4. – 86-94 p.

  26. (2008, en russe) Karimova Zh. Accessibility of higher education for returnees. The World of Science. Materials of 2nd international congress of students and young researchers – Almaty, 2008. – 3-7 p.

  27. (2006, en russe) Karimova Zh. Issues of the development of modern distance education in Kazakhstan. Materials of international scientific and practical conference “A new stage of socio-economic and political modernization of Kazakhstan: problems of implementation” Almaty, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 2006 – 274-278 p.

  28. (2005, en russe) Karimova Zh. Higher School of Kazakhstan: integration into the international educational space (in co-authorship). Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Herald. Psychology and Sociology. Almaty, 2005, №1 (14) – 96-102 p.

  29. (2005, en kazakh) Karimova Zh. Assessment of the quality of higher education in Kazakhstan. Materials of scientific and practical conference “Stages of the formation of independent Kazakhstan” – Almatyі, 2005 – 185-190 p.

  30. (2005, en kazakh) Karimova Zh. Gender policy in Kazakhstan: actual problems and future. Materials of scientific and practical conference “Women's movement in Central Asia”, Almaty, 18-19 October 2005 – 305-308 p.

  31. (2005, en russe) Karimova Zh. The role of civic education in modern society. Interuniversity student theoretical conference “Socio-philosophical and political problems of improving civil society” – Almaty, 2005 – 43-47 p.

  32. (2005, en russe) Karimova Zh. Перспективы развития высшего образования в РК в современных условиях // Materials of scientific and practical conference “Interfaith accord in Kazakhstan is a factor of society's stability”, 29 April 2005. – Almaty: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.


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30 years of IFEAC: three decades of research in Central Asia

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Published at 15 May 2019