Yannis Boudina

Laureate of the Louis Dumont Prize 2022

After studying law-political science and philosophy, Yannis Boudina began a course in anthropology. At the end of a master's degree at the EHESS, he defended a dissertation on the shaping of masculinity among the youth of contemporary urban Greater Kabylia. In 2018, he began a doctoral thesis under the supervision of Baudouin Dupret and Marie Miran-Guyon on the modes of subjectivation of men in urban Grande-Kabylie, in and outside the religious sphere.

The project

Politics through ethics: subjectivation in contemporary Greater Kabylia

Keywords: Algeria, Islam, Greater Kabylia, Tizi-Ouzou, subjectivation, politicization of religion, religious anthropology


Published at 4 July 2022