Sofiia Minasian

Laureate of Atlas Programme Period of stay in France: 24 April to 22 July 2017


Sofiia Minasian was born and got education in Rostov-on-Don, southern city of Russian Federation. From 2010 till 2014 she worked as education assistant at the University of her native city. During all this time she worked as an artist of the choir in Rostov State Musical Theater. Being a specialist in Philology, she defended the thesis “Grotesque forms in the Boris Vian`s oeuvre” in The Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2013). Since 2014 she works as an associate professor at the department of “World languages and cultures” of Don State Technical University. She is the member of the Association of Teachers of French in Russia and the member of the Alliance of theaters of Russia.

Title of the project and research interests 

“The Destiny of the Alsace-Lorraine prisoners in Russia during the First World War”.

Now she is interested in the research of archival documents of the First World War and international relationships as well as in the individual destinies of prisoners of war.

Selected publications

1. The perspectives of development of historical and cultural tourism of the Don region (on the occasion of five years of conferences Kayal)// Collection of scientific publications of the Rostov Institute of services, the State University of service and tourism of the South of Russia. – No. 5. – 3-th party. Rostov-on-Don: Institute of services of Rostov State University of service and tourism of the South of Russia, 2005. –P. 128-135.

2. The grotesque and allegory as the specificity of Boris Vian`s oeuvre// Scientific thought of the Caucasus. - 2009. - №3. -P. 148-154.

3. Techniques of the fantastic in the creation of the image of a child, in the novel of Boris Vian “Heartsnatcher”// Literature of the XX century: results and perspectives of studies. The materials of the 8-th conference of Andreev/ Under the direction of N. Pakhsarian. – Moscow: Ekonom-Inform, 2010. -399p. - P. 210-214.

4. The grotesque and the dystopia in Boris Vian's novel “The Red Grass”// Social and socio-economic sciences. - 2012. - №.5. - P. 77-81.

5. The absurd and the grotesque in the culture of the XX-th century// Collection of scientific publications of the Institute of service and tourism of the Don State Technical University. - No. 12. – 1-part I. - 1 V. – Rostov-on-Don: Publishing of the Institute of service and tourism of the Don State technical University, 2013. – 248 p. - p. 104-113.

6. History of the World literature of the XX-th century (manual). – Rostov-on-Don: Don State technical University, 2016.

7. History of French literature. – Rostov-on-Don: Don State technical University, 2016.

Published at 30 March 2017