Marie-Aude Baronian

Associate researcher for the programme: The politics of images

Marie-Aude Baronian, Doctor of Philosophy and Film Studies, is Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of  Human Sciences. She lectures in the philosophy of images, film theory and visual culture in the Media Studies Department. Specialised in questions relating to the relationship between memory and image and between ethics and aesthetics, she has published numerous articles on the representation of the Armenian genocide and on many artists, film-makers and designers. Her various publications include Mémoire et Image. Regards sur la Catastrophe arménienne [Memory and Image. A Look at the Armenian Catastrophe] (L'Age d'Homme, 2013), and Cinéma et Mémoire. Sur Atom Egoyan [Cinema and Memory. On Atom Egoyan] (Editions Académie Belgique, 2013). She is currently working on the memorial and testimonial function of clothing and textiles and the link between fashion and philosophy. She is also interested in the relationships between fashion and film, the subject of her next book.


The politics of images

A place of study and discussion on the relations between images and politics
Published at 16 December 2016