Latin America: Solidaritiy and resistance during and beyond the pandemic

Social movements and social change in a global pandemic | Thursday 5 November 2020
5:00 pm
5:00 pm

Interventions of  Montserrat Sagot (Universidad de Costa Rica) and Karla Henriquez Ojeda (Universidad Bernardo O’Higgings, Chile) within the lecture series Social movements and social change in a global pandemic.


Muerte, control social y bienestar en tiempos de Covid-19
Montserrat Sagot,Universidad de Costa Rica

Chile: From the citizens’revolt to solidarity and resistance during the lockdown
Karla Henriquez Ojeda, Universidad Bernardo O’Higgings, Chile

Photo credit : George Floyd protest Victoria Pickering/FlickR CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Published at 5 November 2020