Executive board

Statutory body of the FMSH
FMSH - rue du Cherche midi

The Executive Board implements the strategic guidelines and takes operational decisions relating to the running and management of the institution. Its members are appointed by the Supervisory Board for a term of 4 years, renewable once.

The current Executive Board, comprising Antonin Cohen, President, Claire Bordes and David Rochefort, Vice-President, was elected by the Supervisory Board on 27 June 2023. The team officially took office on 9 July 2023.

Executive Board members
Antonin Cohen
Mr Antonin
Member of the executive board
Mr Antonin Cohen
Claire Bordes
Mrs Claire
Member of the executive board
Mrs Claire Bordes
David Rochefort
Mr David
Member of the executive board
Mr David Rochefort

Presidency Office

Caroline Gerbaud - Head of cabinet


+33 (0)1 40 48 64 22