Le corps en exil

Book of Léa Barbisan
corps en exil

Discover the book Le corps en exil by Léa Barbisan, published on November 16, 2020 in the "Bibliothèque Allemande" collection of Éditions de la MSH.

Walter Benjamin's philosophy of language, aesthetics and philosophy of history have been the subject of significant works, which have ensured the recognition and interpretation of essential texts. Anthropological thought, on the other hand, remains an insufficiently explored field, although it is central to Benjamin's work. It finds its source in a deep reflection on the question of the body, which captivated the philosopher from the mid-1910s until the end of his life and opened new perspectives on the theory of knowledge, ethics and political theory.

More information about the book (FR)

This book has been selected for the Walter Benjamin Prize 2022.

The author

Léa Barbisan is a lecturer in the history of German ideas (20th century) at the UFR of Germanic and Nordic Studies at Sorbonne University.

In the news

Prix Walter Benjamin : Sélection 2022, Médiapart, 5 juillet 2022

Publié le 5 octobre 2020