Social sciences and social transformations

Release of the Social Science Information vol. 56

The social sciences are held to identify major social transformations by means of empirical observation and conceptual reflection. At the same time, they are themselves part of those transformations. They may be involved in them before becoming conscious of them. The empirical gaze may need to be redirected because new phenomena have arisen or existing ones may have lost or gained in significance. And concepts that appeared to have been solidly established lose their grip on social reality ‘when the light of the great cultural problems moves on’, as Max Weber had put it in his essay on objectivity more than a century ago.



Social sciences and social transformations | David Jaclin, Peter Wagner

Research Article

Analytical sociology and its ‘syntax’ for explanation | Francisco J. León-Medina

The sociology of everyday life: A research program on contemporary sociality | Maurizio Ghisleni

The unintended consequences in new economic sociology: Why still not taken seriously? | Adriana Mica

Emotional roots of right-wing political populism | Mikko Salmela, Christian von Scheve

To see and be seen, to know and be known: Perceptions and prevention strategies on Facebook surveillance | Fábio Rafael Augusto, Maria João Simões

Le marketing du Neuromarketing : Enjeux académiques d’un domaine de recherche controversé | William Wannyn

Key technology network model for the industrialization of research output: A university patent perspective | Shu-Hao Chang

Publié le 2 décembre 2017