Denis Walsh

Chercheur invité du programme DEA Séjour du 1er septembre au 31 octobre 2018

Denis Walsh est professeur au Département de philosophie, à l'Institut d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences et de la technologie et au Département d'écologie et de biologie évolutive de l'Université de Toronto. Il est titulaire d'un doctorat en biologie de l'Université McGill et d'un doctorat en philosophie de l'Université de Londres. Il est auteur de Organisms, Agency et Evolution (2015, Cambridge University Press).

Le projet 

Titre Agency in the Natural World

Mots-clés : 

Philosophie des sciences, philosophie de la biologie, philosophie de l'esprit, évolution, méta-éthique

Sélection de publications

  • Walsh, D.M. (forthcoming) Being human, being Homo sapiens. In Hübner, K. (ed) History of human nature. Oxford University Press.
  • Walsh, D.M. (forthcoming) Teleology and Purpose In: Love, A. and De La Rosa, L (eds) The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Refereed, accepted)
  • Walsh, D.M. (forthcoming)The Paradox of Population Thinking In: Uller, T. and K. Laland (eds) Cause and Process in Biology. Cambridge, Ma.: MIT Press 
  • Walsh, D.M. (2018) Objectcy and Agency: Toward A Methodological Vitalism. In Nicholson, D. and J. Dupré (eds) Everything Flows:Towards a process biology. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Walsh, D.M. A, Ariew, M. Matthen (2017) “Four Pillars of Statisticalism” Philosophy, Theory and Practice in Biology (New series) 1:1-17 Huneman, P. and D.M. Walsh (2017)
  • Huneman, P. and D.M. Walsh Challenging the Modern Synthesis: Adaptation, Inheritance, Development. Oxford University Press. 352 pages
  • Walsh, D.M. (2017) Chance caught on the wing: metaphysical commitment or methodological artifact? In Challenging the Synthesis: Adaptation, Development, Inheritance Huneman, P and D. Walsh (eds) Oxford University Press. pp. 239- 261
  • Walsh, D.M. and Philippe Huneman (2017) Challenging the Synthesis: Introduction. In Challenging the Synthesis: Adaptation, Development, Inheritance Huneman, P and D. Walsh (eds) Oxford University Press. pp. 1-36
  • Walsh, D.M. (2016) Challenges to Evolutionary Theory. In Humphreys, p. (ed). Oxford Handbook for Philosophy of Science. Oxford: Oxford Univesity Press
  • Walsh, D.M. (2015) Organisms, Agency, and Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Walsh, D.M. (2015) “Variance, Invariance and Statistical Explanation,” Erkenntnis DOI 10.1007/S10670-014-9680-3
  • Walsh, D.M. (2014) Descriptions and Models: Some responses to Abrams Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science and the Biomedical Sciences 44: 302-308
  • Walsh, D.M. (2014) “The Negotiated Organism: Inheritance, Development and the Method of Difference” Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 112: 295-30
  • Thompson, R. Paul and Denis M. Walsh (2014) Evolutionary Biology: Conceptual, Ethical and Religious Issues Cambridge University Press. 243 pp.
  • Walsh, D.M. Introduction (2014) In. Thompson, R. Paul and Denis M. Walsh (2014) Evolutionary Biology: Conceptual, Ethical and Religious Issues Cambridge University Press. 243 pp.
  • Walsh, D.M. Function and teleology (2014) In. Thompson, R. Paul and Denis M. Walsh (2014) Evolutionary Biology: Conceptual, Ethical and Religious Issues Cambridge University Press. pp.193-216
Publié le 12 septembre 2018